5920 kHz - 22.20 utc - Radio Gardarika, Russia (St. Petersburg) - (Russian [pres]) - sio:444 - Mainly European style "pop" music. / Several ID's heard inbetween music, (mainly Radio "Studio"?). ID Radio Gardarika and mailing address heard before shut-down at 23.00, (including ref. to Radio Nova?) / This b'cast is going out daily between 20.00 and 23.00utc, but only until Dec. 31st, 2002. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Dec. 29th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Dec 29 23:41
13680 // 21475 kHz - 11.01 utc - Radio Farda, USA (Kavala, GRC) + (Iranawila, CLN) - (relays) - (Farsi / Persian) - sio:132 // 444 (respectively) - ID now known to be Radio Farda, OM and YL news and music targeted into Iran. / Credit and thanks to Bob Colyard, Glenn Hauser (DX Listening Digest) and Stefano Valianti (BCL News group) for their information, helping me to correctly ID R.Farda. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Dec. 29th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Dec 29 11:24
21475 kHz - 11.30 utc - Radio (Fardo?)* , Country Unid. - (Port. or Span.?) - sio:454 - Mainly "pop" music, with OM and YL ann. / I'm unable to find any reference to this station on the net, and although the station regularly ID's as "Radio Fardo", *(presumed spelling of "Fardo") and ann: (www.radiofarda.com), I can only find R. Liberty as b'casting on this freq. / Any ideas anybody? - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Dec. 28th 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Dec 28 12:50
1548 - 0446 - Voice of Russia, Russia - (EE) - sio:434 - EE news, Ids, commentary - (Icom PCR 1000 - web receiver-Rome, Italy - 12/28)
Brad Wall - bradebi at yahoo.com -Dec 28 04:30
5935 kHz - 20.00 utc - Laser Radio, Latvia (Ulbroka) - (EE) - sio:444 - Pop music etc... / New regular Sunday b'cast from 18.00 to 23.00 - (see: www.laserradio.net) / 100kW Tx from Latvia, (actually, as receiving transmissions from various countries go, Latvia is a new one for me). - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel "active" ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Dec. 22nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Dec 22 20:32
7430 khz - 1408 utc - BBC, UK (tx. in Tashkent?) - (Hindi) - sio:344 - Speech in Hindi by man and woman, sounded like a news pgm; mention of 'BBC' by woman. Listed in WRTH as BBC to India from Tashkent, if it is, it's my first logging of a transmitter from Central Asia. - (Panasonic RFB45, 40 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle USA - 21 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 21 20:56
9425 khz - 2307 utc - UNID, ??? - (Hindi?) - sio:334 - South Asian music with tablas, woman singing, also a tribal sounding chant with several women singing in unison. Announcements by man and woman, the man mentioned 'Bharat' at 2332 utc, and the language sounded Hindi. Also heard the next evening. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle USA - 15 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 21 20:49
9420 khz - 2240 utc - FEBC, Philippines?? - (???) - sio:233 - Man speaking UNID Asian language, growl on frequency. "Song Of Joy" played at 2300 utc, and an anouncement by woman at 2301, with mention of "FEBC". Not sure which FEBC broadcast this is, it's not mentioned in WRTH. - (Sangean 909 / DX 398, 100 ft. wire - Seattle USA - 15 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 21 20:42
7260 khz - 2222 utc - VOA, USA (tx. in Sri Lanka) - (Khmer) - sio:445 - SE Asian language that sounded similar to Vietnamese, by man and woman, including mentions of Kampuchea, Islam, Washington, etc. Heard mention of "V.O.A." at 2224 utc, and an ID in English at 2230 utc. Listed as VOA's sce. in Khmer. After 2230 the Vietnamese program started, and the signal began to weaken. - (Sangean 800A / DX 370, 100 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle USA - 15 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 21 20:37
7245 khz - 1341 utc - China R. Int'l, China - (Russian) - sio:545 - Man speaking accented Russian, playing some Chinese sounding pop music; some QRM from ham radio operators, parallel to 7160 khz only much stronger. ID: "Govorit Radio Kitai" at 1346 utc by woman (who spoke less accented Russian). ('Kitai' is Russian for 'China'). Not listed in WRTH, they must have moved their frequencies. - (Panasonic RFB45, 100 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle USA - 14 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 21 20:29
9515 khz - 1720 utc - R. Korea (tentative), South Korea - (FF) - sio:222 - Weak speech in French, accented, by woman, with some R&B music; signal began to degrade after 1726 utc. Listed in WRTH as South Korea's b-cast to West Africa and Middle East. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle USA - 11 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 21 20:21
9510 khz - 1710 utc - BBC, UK (tx. in Oman) - (EE) - sio:333 - BBC in English with John Peel playing some reggae tune, fair to weak signal, strong enough to cause QRM on NHK's pgm. on 9510 khz. - (Sangean 803A / DX 440, 100 ft. wire - Seattle USA - 11 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 21 20:16
7250 khz - 0632 utc - R. Vatican, Vatican City - (Latin) - sio:344 - Awoke to R. Vatican broadcasting in what turned out to be Latin.... some flutter on the signal, good quality, though. Several IDs in several different languages at 0630 utc., "Kyrie Eleison" soon after. Listed as their Latin Service to Europe in WRTH, a first logging for me. - (Panasonic RFB45, 100 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle, WA USA - 8 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 10 20:53
3985 kHz - 20.45 utc - Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Iran (Ahwaz) - (Arabic) - sio:233 - OM nattering on in Arabic (content unknown). No QRM, but signal a bit noisy. / Parallel frequencies 6025kHz ("underneath" R.Budapest), and 6065 + 6200kHz (both suffering a moderate level of QRM). - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles, (UK) - Dec. 9th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Dec 9 22:01
3315 kHz - 01.15 utc - All India Radio (domestic b'cast), India (Bhopal) - (*) - sio:222 - Mainly YL talking at time of logging. *(Regional dialect.) So, as usual, I am unsure of content. / Quite a good path on the tropical bands to India this morning. Various regional b'casts heard, but this the only one on 90m. / QRM from a number of sources, but mainly a very strong morse transmission, almost completely swamping AIR just before 01.30utc. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Dec. 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Dec 8 01:39
4010 kHz - 00.15 utc - Kyrgyz Radio, Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek) - (Kyrgyz) - sio:444 - Mixed OM + YL, (content unknown - "Kyrgyz" being the national language and, presumably, the one being used here.) Occaisional music between talking. / Parallel freq. 4795kHz also rec. although a strange "boinking" sound was causing QRM from approx. 4794kHz. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m Copper Wire Ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Dec. 7th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Dec 7 00:37
7255 khz - 1424 utc - UNID, ??? (poss. China?) - (unid, poss. Mongolian) - sio:434 - Loud signal, man and woman speaking a North Asian language, which sounded similar to Korean, but there weren't any of the '-hamnida' endings one often hears on the Korean broadcasts. I'm guessing this could be a broadcast from China to Mongolia, can't find any information on this, though.... - (Panasonic RFB45, 100 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle, WA USA - 6 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 6 19:12
7200 khz - 1407 utc - NHK Radio Japan, Japan - (English) - sio:323 - News by woman in English, mention of Japan, clear audio, but heavy co-channel interference from Chinese station (prob. CNR-2 Beijing). Radio Japan's English service to SE Asia listed this time and frequency in WRTH. - (Panasonic RFB45, 100 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle, WA USA - 6 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 6 19:00
7245 khz - 1351 utc - UNID, China? - (Russian) - sio:455 - Man and woman speaking in Russian, program parallel to previous logging, only much stronger signal. I've found no info whatsoever on Russian programming with Chinese music, on this frequency and time spot. - (Panasonic RFB45, 100 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle, WA USA - 6 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 6 18:50
7255 khz - 1351 utc - UNID, China? - (Russian) - sio:223 - Russian speech by man, and woman, language especially noted when the woman spoke. Some interference by AIR's sce. in Dari to Afghanistan on the same channel. Parallel broadcast on 7245 was much stronger. "Dosvedanya" spoken at 1355 utc and some Chinese sounding music, before carrier was shut off. I've seen one mention of this, on an internet DXers site, as a new frequency for China Radio Int'l's Russian service -- but can't find any other information confirming this. The propagation and music points to China, though.... - (Panasonic RFB45, 100 ft. wire / inductively coupled - Seattle, WA USA - 6 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 6 18:45
4450 khz - 1520 utc - UNID , ???, assumed Asia somewhere - (???) - sio:112 - Speech by woman, sounded Asian, almost Chinese (sing-songy syllables), but not clear enough to ID which language. Flute music, and then operatic song, sung by woman. By tune out at 1536 the signal weakened to just little more than a carrier. - (Sangean 909 / DX 398; 100 ft. wire - - 5 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 5 19:52
3925 khz - 1458 utc - JOZ Nagara (tentative), Japan - (Japanese) - sio:212 - Japanese speech by man, sounded like a lecture of some sort, could hear a little hall reverb.... weak but clear signal, periodic QRM from ham operators. Listed in WRTH as JOZ Nagara. - (Sony ICF 5900w, Sangean 909; 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 5 Dec 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Dec 05 19:06
4754 khz - 1304 utc - RRI Makassar (Ujung Pandang), Indonesia - (Bahasa Indonesia) - sio:212 - Weak to poor audio through local static.... Heard mentions of Jakarta and Indonesia in what sounded like Indonesian by man. I checked the other Indonesian frequencies I know and heard nothing -- just this one. Weird..... - (Sangean 803a, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 27 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 27 22:21
5020 khz - 1258 utc - UNID. (BBC), Solomon Islands? - (English) - sio:232 - BBC World Service in English; I've read on the internet that the Solomon Islands outlet here relays the BBC W.S. after certain hours.... was unable to remain tuned long enough to this to positively ID it. - (Sangean 803a / DX 440, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 27 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 27 22:15
189.0khz - 0300z - Iceland, - (Icelandic) - sio:243 - Not moving the S meter, but noted playing pop and country music on the north EWE antenna. No other Euro or African LW broadcasters heard. - (R71a, EWE antenna - Milwaukee, WI USA - 24 Nov. 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Nov 26 04:00
5965 kHz - 07.00 utc - HCJB, Ecuador (Quito) - (EE) - sio:455 - A joint one hour special programme, combining DX Partyline with Saludos Amigos ("DX Amigos"). Presenters Allen Graham, Rachel Orr and Yvonne Kennedy talking live with listeners, via telephone, email and the internet. (I was in a rush to get to work and had little time to contribute, however, the programme made a great change from the usual "taped" b'cast.) - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel "active" ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 23rd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 23 23:36
7275 khz - 0418 utc - R. Tunis, Tunisia - (Arabic) - sio:434 - Fluttery signal, much stronger than previous logging -- was lighting 4 to 5 LEDs on my DX440 from 0440 until tuneout at 0511 u.t.c. Speech in Arabic by man and woman and varied music -- tribal chants (Berber?), and a lot of Arabic style music that is gentler sounding than what I've heard on V. Turkey and R. Kuwait -- less percussive, sparer arrangements, smoother, more laid-back vocal style. News at top of hour, and I finally got a positive ID, "Tunis" and "Tunisiyya" (Tu-nees, and Tuni-SEEyah). I also heard what sounded like a commercial promotion for musicians (or maybe music CDs?) at 0445-6, with snippets of music from various singers. - (Sangean 803a, Sangean 909, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 22 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 23 21:37
7375 khz - 1411 u.t.c. - R. Netherlands, Netherlands (Russian tx.) - (Dutch) - sio:323 - Dutch speech by two men, w/ music. Listed in WRTH as R. Netherlands Dutch sce. to SE Asia and E. Asia, with transmitter in Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka. - (DX 398, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 22 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 22 21:19
7340 khz - 1402 u.t.c. - V. of Russia (tent.), Russia - (chinese) - sio:344 - Chinese speech. Weak but clear signal. Listed as VOR's service to Far East in Chinese. - (DX 398 / Sangean 909, 100 ft wire - Seattle, WA USA - 22 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 22 21:08
7365 khz - 1414 u.t.c. - UNID., ??? - (Russian?) - sio:112 - Faint, jazzy music, sung by man; Russian sounding speech by man during fade-ups; Not parallel to R. Rossii's outlet on 7320 khz. Can't find anything Russian (or similar language)that fits this freq. and time spot on the internet, or in the WRTH -- except GTRK Kamchatka, which isn't supposed to be on this freq. at this time. Ideas? - (DX 398 / Sangean 909, 100 ft. wire. - Seattle, WA USA - 22 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 22 20:51
11550 kHz - 16.50 utc - Radio Taipei Int. (CBS) , Taiwan - (EE) - sio:111 - 233 (v) - Not exactly brilliant reception, fading away almost totally at times. With difficulty, I was able to establish that the program content was of, language education (English to "something-or-other"). At 16.59utc a neatly placed 'fade-out' corresponded with what I presume would have been the time for Taipei to ID itself. I did, however, hear the mention of Taipei and CBS at approx. 17.04utc, just as I was about to switch off and go home. / Full sched. for this Eng. Tx is 16.00 to 18.00utc, targeted to Asia. - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - Nov. 21st 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 22 00:04
9870 kHz - 16.15 utc - China Radio International, China (Beijing) - (EE) - sio:212 - News incl. the NATO summit in Prague. ID "CRI News" heard at 16.27. / 150kW Tx from Beijing, target not known. (full sched. 16.00 - 16.57utc) / Very little internet info on this particular b'cast. / High level of QRM from an unknown station on 9865kHz playing Asian style music. - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - Nov. 21st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 21 23:30
11560 kHz - 16.01 utc - Adventist World Radio, Guam (Agat) - (EE) - sio:244 - ID heard at beginning of Tx. ("Eng. b'cast from London" - although transmitted from Guam). / 100kW Tx. to S.Asia (16.00 - 17.00utc) / Parallel freq. 15495kHz also rec. at 16.35utc (similar sio). - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - Nov. 21st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 21 23:04
11335 kHz - 15.42 utc - Voice of Korea, North Korea - (EE) - sio:232 - Fairly weak reception on a fairly basic set-up. Targeted to NAm. + Eu. / YL with Asian Mx at time of Rx. ID heard, if only as confirmation (had I not already suspected that the station was V.o.Korea, then the ID may have been less certain). / Parallel freq. 7505kHz also heard (sio:111). - (Panasonic RF-B45 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - Nov. 21st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 21 22:45
4883 khz - 1320 u.t.c. - China Radio Int'l, China (Hohhot) - (prob. Russian) - sio:122 - Very faint signal, definitely 4883 khz., with man and woman speaking what definitely sounded like Russian on the signal peaks. A bit more readable in LSB. Listed on the internet as China Radio's service to the Russian Far East. At 1356 there was some Chinese sounding music, and then at 1400 u.t.c. they switched languages, to something that sounded like Japanese or Korean, but the signal was too grainy to decipher anything by then (I see from internet listings it was probably Mongolian). - (Sangean 909, Sangean 803A - Seattle, WA USA - 21 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 21 22:01
7275 khz - 0455 u.t.c. - Radio Tunis (tentative), Tunisia - (Arabic?) - sio:112 - Chanting, singing by a woman, almost a wailing sound, very faint signal; some of it I had to receive by tuning to LSB. At 0500 the singing/wailing stopped, and a man spoke, what sounded like Arabic (or poss. a S. Asian language). Then more singing, mostly by a woman; at 0600 the signal began to strengthen, with a news report that had mentions of Washington, America, and Pakistan. Then an interview or drama piece, with a man and woman, and more music. The louder the signal got, the more the language sounded like Arabic. Around 0620 the signal peaked at S8 on my DX 398 (4 LEDs on my DX 440) -- and soon started fading. By the time they switched off the carrier at 0659 u.t.c. the signal had faded back to SIO 111. It's a tentative logging because I didn't hear any IDs or anything that would positively identify this station. - (DX 398 / Sangean 909, DX 440 / Sangean 803a, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 21 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 21 21:32
7115 khz - 0405 utc - Radio Free Iraq (tent.), USA, tx. in Germany? - (Arabic) - sio:222 - Arabic sounding speech, Arabic sounding music (unison strings, hand drums); some QRM from amateur CW; speech by man and woman, including what sounded like interviews; signal faded almost completely out around 0430, and started slowly fading back by 0500; sounded like news at 0500 by man, then several interesting pieces of music until they pulled the plug at 0559 utc, when signal was SIO 344.. - (Sangean 909 / DX 398, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 19 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton at yahoo.com -Nov 19 12:44
11900 khz - 0131 utc - All India Radio, India - (unid.) - sio:322 - A.I.R.'s service to Tibet, with men chanting (monks?), someone ringing chimes, then more chanting; woman speaking a language that sounded like a cross between Chinese and Turkish, mix of pop and jazzy sounding music; clear signal with some QSB; s / off at 0159. - (Sangean 909 / DX 398, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 19 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 19 12:31
11585 khz - 2140 utc - Kol Israel (tent.), Israel - (Hebrew?) - sio:323 - Tuned in to a fluttery signal, with a woman singing a Billy Joel song. Woman speaking a gutteral sounding language (Hebrew?), mentioned Shimon Peres; then a string of liners and commercials from 2143 to 2145 utc. Sounded like news at top of hour, didn't recognise an ID. - (Sangean 909 / DX 398, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 18 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 19 12:24
11620 khz - 0120 utc - All India Radio, India - (Urdu) - sio:434 - Tuned in to a man singing, w/ tablas and plucked string instruments, tamburas.... fluttery signal, but clear. Speech in what sounded like Hindi (Urdu) by woman; it sounded like she may have put the wrong song on by accident (song abruptly cut off, she says something, a different song starts); signal faded to SIO 122 or less by 0211 u.t.c. AIR to Pakistan listed this time and freq. - (Sangean 803a, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 18 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 19 12:15
6175 khz - 1410 utc - Voice Of Islam (tent.), Malaysia - (Malay?) - sio:222 - Heard chanting behind Chinese station; children and men singing; and a woman speaking, including mentions of 'Islam', 'Muhammad', and 'Kuala Lumpur'. - (Sangean 803a, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 16 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 19 11:58
4845 khz - 1225 u.t.c. - Radio K'ekchi, TGVC, Guatemala - (unid.) - sio:211 - Rather grainy audio from fading signal, static; sounded like Mexican ranchero music; heard positive "Radio K'ekchi" ID at 1230 u.t.c., before it faded out completely. Murphy's law in reverse this time. - (Sangean 803a, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 16 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 19 11:54
9950 khz - 1630 utc - All India Radio, India - (Hindi) - sio:322 - Man and woman speaking Hindi, music with sarod, tabla; and also a long piece with women or children singing and sounds like the stamping of their feet. Faded to SIO 222 by 1715 u.t.c. - (Sony ICF 5900w, Sangean 803a, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 14 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 19 11:43
10330 khz - 1540 utc - All India Radio, India (Chennai, others?) - (???) - sio:323 - Music w/ tablas, tamburas, female singers, and a woman announcer. Signal faded to SIO 122 by 1649 u.t.c. - (Sangean 803A / DX 440, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 14 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 19 11:24
7115.0khz - 0100z - Radio Yugoslavia, YUGOSLAVIA - (EE) - sio:444 - Interval signal into sign on in english on this non-published frequency. S off with national anthem 0130z. Announced 6100, 7230, 9580khz, but not audiable here. - (Icom R71a, vert - Milwaukee, WI USA - 17November02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Nov 18 01:27
5835 kHz - 23.55 utc - Radio Free Afghanistan, Sri Lanka (Iranawila) - (Pashto) - sio:455 - Very slight fading, otherwise I would have been tempted to rate the SIO as 555. / A cracking signal which, according to HFCC info., is being transmitted from Sri Lanka. A parallel freq. (5910kHz) from Germany is far weaker (SIO:333). Both transmissions are quoted as being 500kW. / OM and YL, with Mx in "bursts" at time of Rx. (Unsure of actual prog. content, due to lang. barrier.) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 17th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 18 00:28
13640 kHz - 18.50 utc - Radio Telefis Eireann, 'Ireland' (Sackville relay - CAN) - (EE) - sio:333 (var.) - Sport and Wx. Followed by ID in Eng. (RTE Radio FM). - The transm. concluded abruptly with Mx, after a brief report in Gaelic. / This Tx targeted to NAm. and Af. (sched. 18.30 to 19.00utc) / Talking of time scheds; the Tx shut down time of my previous VOIRI entry should read 01.27 (not 00.27). My appologies. (I think I'll blame that "annoying hetrodyne sound" disrupting my brain cell:-) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 17th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 17 19:36
6135 kHz - 01.10 utc - Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIB), Iran (Kamalabad) - (EE) - sio:423 - Mx (Jean Michel Jarre) between reports, followed by a more detailed report on Iraq and the UN. / (Very annoying hetrodyne disrupting listening "comfort".) / Full Eng. sched. to Am. 00.30 to 00.27utc (ID heard before s/down) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 17th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 17 02:04
6130 kHz - 01.00 utc - PBS Xizang Holy Tibet (pres), China (Xian) - (Tibetan) - sio:333 - YL and OM with oriental Mx. / Parallel Tx. 4905 + 4920 + 5240 + 7385kHz also rec. with lower SIO ratings. (Freq. info. obtained from Eike Bierwirth's "Comp. SW B'cast. Sched." webpage) / QRM on 6130kHz from IRIB - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 17th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 17 01:47
- - , - () - sio: - hello Art N2AH from Hank N2GCN - (Sony ICF 2010 - Plainview,NY - )
Hank Lukas, N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Nov 16 21:14
11605 kHz - 1730z - Kol Israel, Israel - (EE) - sio:444 - Fifteen minute english broadcast, including news of yesterday's terrorist attack in Hebron. Parallel 17545 kHz was stronger, but had more interference. Into french at 1745z. - (Kenwood R-1000, 135 foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 16 November)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Nov 16 19:15
17870 kHz - 1700z - Channel Africa, South Africa - (EE) - sio:343 - News followed by "South Africa Today" discussing the arrest of Symbionese Liberation Army fugitive James Kilgore in Capetown. Some signal fading, but generally improving signal strength. - (Kenwood R-1000, 135 foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 16 November)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Nov 16 19:10
9590 - 0000 - Radio Sweden Int'l, Sweden - () - sio:323 - AM, Swedish, appeared to have been switched on to the wrong freguency. Radio Canada was on with As It Happens(CBC Radio One), Radio Sweden interval signal came on under Radio Canada, than took off right away. - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,New York - 11-16-02)
Hank Lukas, N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Nov 16 01:02
9950 kHz - 21.40utc - All India Radio, India - (EE) - sio:555 - Very strong Eng. b'cast to Eu.+ Oc. (20.45 - 22.30utc) / Several 'spur' frequencies were also received around this time in 50kHz spaces; IE. 10000 + 10050 + 10100kHz with signal strength reducing respectively. (The audio on the spur freqs. are very distorted.) / I had read an E-mail posted to HCDX regarding this occurrance, but had not heard it myself before now. - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel active ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 14th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 14 22:56
9355 kHz - 23.59 utc - WEWN, USA (Vandiver?) - (Spanish) - sio:122 - Mystery solved (see prev. entry). / Now positively ID'd as WEWN - 'Global Catholic Radio', (run by the Eternal Word TV Network). / ID heard and checked on website. / Full sched. 23.00 - 03.00utc and targeted to Latin America. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 13th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 14 00:24
9355 kHz - 22.40 utc - R. Taipei Int. (CBS) - (via WYFR), USA (Okeechobee) - (EE) - sio:444 - Learning Chinese Language programme heard at time of Rx. / ID heard at approx. 22.57utc followed by a short song and ID for WYFR before shut down at 23.00utc / Unid. station then heard after s/down with OM talking in a 'flat' manner, language not known - pos. Spanish, ? (sio:122). (Any ideas welcomed.) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 13th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 13 23:34
7255 khz - 1415 utc - All India Radio (tentative), India - (poss. Dari, Pashto) - sio:122 - South Asian music, speech by man; alone on frequency; had to tune to 7256 to avoid splatter from 7250 khz. Signal got stronger until tuneout at 1435 u.t.c. AIR's broadcasts to Afghanistan are listed for this freq. during this time period. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 21:31
6045 khz - 1354 u.t.c. - All India Radio (tentative), India - (prob. Nepali and Urdu) - sio:112 - I heard South Asian music, speech by woman, beneath Chinese (Nei Menggu) station on this frequency, especially audible during phone side of Chinese conversation after 1424 u.t.c., when signal began to fade up. Several South Asian musical pieces with female singers. Station was almost equal in strength to Nei Menggu by 1433 u.t.c. Heard several words that sounded Hindustani. A.I.R.'s services to Nepal, and to Pakistan, are listed on this frequency during this time period.. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 21:15
7210 khz - 1333 utc - V. Vietnam, Vietnam (Hanoi) - (Vietnamese) - sio:334 - Mentions of Hanoi, Vietnam, news read by woman. Included sound bites of speeches, like parliament or government. Woman singing with orchestra / band backing at 1343 u.t.c. Parallel programming on 5975 khz, beneath a very strong station (poss. Korea) broadcasting in Chinese. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 19:36
6045 khz - 1255 u.t.c. - Nei Menggu, China (Hohhot) - (Chinese) - sio:344 - Chinese speech by man and woman, at 1300 u.t.c. it sounded like news. Signal got stronger by 1350, when it sounded like a Mongolian (or similar sounding language) lesson, then after 1400 u.t.c. a Chinese man fielded phone calls. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 19:17
6195 khz - 1218 u.t.c. - Nei Menggu (tentative), China (Hohhot) - (Mongolian) - sio:112 - Programming beneath the BBC's service to SE Asia that was parallel to the Mongolian programming on 4525 khz. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 19:06
4525 khz - 1217 u.t.c. - Nei Manggu, China (Hohhot) - (Mongolian) - sio:212 - Mongolian speech by woman, very weak, but clear and readable signal. Signal faded up from weak to fair / good strength by 1401 u.t.c., when there were time pips, a national anthem played, ID's of some sort (I think I heard mentions of 'Nei Menggu') by man and then woman; then what sounded like the news. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 19:01
7270 khz - 1247 utc - RT Malaysia, Sarawak (Kuching) - (????) - sio:234 - Man solo chanting in Iban or Malay, clear on channel. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 18:51
5860 khz. - 1232 u.t.c. - V. Jinling (tentative), China (Nanjing) - (Chinese) - sio:234 - Man speaking Chinese, fair/weak signal but clear and readable; periodic QRM by a fax or other utility stn. Good conditions in to China this a.m. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA U.S.A. - 13 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 13 18:35
11655 khz. - 0109 u.t.c. - RDP Internacional, Portugal, Lisbon - (Portuguese) - sio:544 - Woman speaking Portuguese, announcing several Portuguese pop tunes; several mentions of "Lisboa"; at 0131 man annnounces what sounds like news; at 0157 the woman announcer mentions "poetas", and Camoes (famous Portuguese poet), and introduces a folk song that starts and ends with a bagpipe and a conga type drum. Several ID's as "RDP Internacional". ID before s / off at 0259 U.T.C. 11655 was much stronger than parallel frequencies 9715 and 11980. A new one for me, and first time I've heard non-Brazilian accented Portuguese.. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 12 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 12 17:07
4845 khz. - 0315 utc - Radio Mauritanie, Mauritania - (Arabic) - sio:222 - Man, woman talking in Arabic, with Arabic style musical pieces -- strings in unison, conga type drums -- the signal began to fade up around 0330, when man started chanting. Was the only foreign station present on 60 meter band at the time. Signal and audio still present at 0507, with diminished strength. Extended schedule due to Ramadan? - (Sangean 803A, Sony ICF5900w, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 11 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 12 15:40
5960 khz - 0415 u.t.c. - UNID (Radio Monte Carlo Moyen-Orient?), ??? (poss. Canada) - (Arabic) - sio:545 - Arabic reports by man, and woman; sounded like news program; very strong signal; two clear mentions of "Radio Monte-Carlo". The audio cut off, then I heard the first five piano notes of "Oh Canada", then the carrier went off the air. - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 12 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 12 14:07
11950.0khz - 2158z sign off - Tibet People's Broadcasting Service (tentative), TIBET - (Mandarin) - sio:333 - Tentative logging. Station with Chinese sounding talk and fanfare music just before sign off. Excellent signals from AIR India at the time.ILG lists them as continuous broadcasting past this time, but who could it be? Audio clip available. - (Kenwod R1000, vert - Milwaukee, Wi USA - 10 Nov. 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Nov 11 16:40
10,330.0khz - 1100z - AIR, INDIA - (Hindi) - sio:353 - New frequency for me. Talk and music in Hindi. Sigs S5, occasional SSB QRM, would be great freq. with better propagation. listed at 100kw N/S - (Kenwood R1000, Vert. - Milwaukee, WI USA - 9 November 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Nov 10 11:12
7205 khz - 1444 u.t.c. - BBC (tentative), Thailand relay - (Hindi / Urdu) - sio:222 - To correct my previous logging, it appears I must've written down the UTC times incorrectly on my paper logbook. Reception time should've been 1444 -1523 u.t.c. I wasn't yet awake at the UTC times I wrote in the previous entry.... I guess it's time to set the clock on the radio to UTC and leave it there. Sorry for any confusion, and thank you, Robin, for the tip.. - ( - Seattle, WA USA - 9 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 10 03:39
7205 khz - 1244 utc - UNID, ??? - (Hindi?) - sio:222 - Man and woman speaking what sounded like Hindi, with the word "hai" at the end of many sentences.... Also many mentions of "Bharat" (Hindi for India). I thought I heard mentions of BBC, but am not sure if that's what I heard. There was QRM from the broadcasters on 7200, and some amateur stations, as well a few static crashes. I had to use the narrow filter on my 803A and tune to 7207 khz. to reduce the QRM from 7200. I missed the ID at the top of the hour, and the station started fading out by 1323 utc. I can't find any BBC or AIR station listed for this frequency and time (or any other stations, for that matter).... Who is this? - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 9 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 9 23:13
11785.0khz - 2030z - Voice of Indonesia, INDONESIA - (EE) - sio:343 - Also idents as "Radio of the Republic of Indonesia, Overseas Service" S7 signals with fair amount of quick QSB. Slightly bassy audio. Program on Indonesian culture. Web page and email addresses given. New one for me ! - (Kenwood R1000, vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - Nov. 9, 2002)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Nov 9 20:34
6299 kHz (approx.)* - 16.30 utc - Skyline Radio, Netherlands (Klakienaeen) - (EE "included") - sio:333 - "Possible" pirate station. / ID, postal address and location, all repeated several times in more than one language, over the top of "popular" synth. Mx. / *(Note: freq. is only appox. as the receiver used is only accurate to the nearest 5kHz. Use of SSB proved the freq. to be slightly lower than 6300kHz ) - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic whip - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - Nov. 11th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Nov 9 18:48
11620.0khz - 2200z - All India Radio, INDIA - (EE) - sio:554 - Excellent signal across the north pole. Slight flutter, otherwise excellent signal in english. No QRM at all. - (R1000, vert - Milwaukee, WI USA - 11/8/02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Nov 8 22:02
11820.0 - 2150z - BSKSA, Saudi Arabia - (AA) - sio:444 - Half Megawatt transmitter putting in a pretty good sig with the singing of the Koran in Arabic. Beaming EU and NA. - (Kenwood R1000, vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 11/8/02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Nov 8 21:54
7320 khz - 1250 u.t.c. - Radio Rossii, Russia (Magadan) - (RR) - sio:233 - The Radio Rossii outlet for Magadan (Arman) is here on 7320 khz.... the R. Rossii station I mentioned previously, on 7200 khz., is in *Yakutsk*, not Magadan (typing mistake).. Both stations were in parallel. - (Sangean 803a, 100 foot wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 8 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 8 19:03
7140 khz - 1159 u.t.c. - R. France International, (relay in Japan?) - (FF) - sio:343 - ID in English, French and Spanish; and a mention of RFI's web site www.rfi.fr..... Could hear RFI's interval music in the background. Heard some programming in French and Chinese. A relay station in Japan is listed for RFI on this frequency. - (Sangean 803a, 100 foot wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 8 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 8 18:54
7200 khz - 1120 utc - CNR-2, China (Beijing) - (Chinese, English) - sio:334 - It sounded like an English language lesson, with some guy and "Carla"; at 1129 u.t.c. the programming was all in Chinese. R. Rossii (Magadan) was fading up underneath it... both stations completely faded out by 1229 u.t.c., then after a while, both stations began to fade back up (aurora?), with Magadan on top of the channel. - (Sangean 803a, 100 foot wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 8 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 8 18:11
7270 khz - 0318 utc - Radio Tirana, Albania - (Albanian) - sio:323 - Woman speaking in Albanian, frequent mentions of "Shqiptar" and "Tirana", as well as a mention of "Gazeta Albania". QRM from some amateurs near the frequency. - (Sony ICF5900w, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 8 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 8 17:26
11855 - 2110 - Guangdong, China - (EE) - sio:Var. - News, comment, a few Chinese Folk songs. Language feature, including "Lets Study Japanese". Strong interf. from stn. on 11850, but copiable using USB mode and fair to good copy after 2130.. - (ATS-909, reel ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - Nov.7/02)
Thomas Moyer - Ethelyn at Sympatico.ca -Nov 8 02:29
9775, 12035 khz - 0215 utc - Radio Finland, Finland - (Finnish) - sio:544 - Language I presume to be Finnish, heard "Radio Finlandia" by man, strong signal, much stronger on 9775 than 12035. I thought I heard mentions of "Suomi" also. Sign / off at 0300 utc. - (Yaesu FRG-7, 100 foot wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 5 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 7 21:09
11900 khz - 0155 utc - UNID, India? - (Unid.) - sio:334 - Chinese sounding speech by man, then interesting musical piece -- children singing while a Chinese sounding stringed instrument plays. Then speech by man, and abrupt sign off at 0200. All India Radio's service to Tibet listed this frequency and time spot -- the programming seems to fit. - (Yaesu FRG-7 - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 5 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 7 21:02
11620 khz - 0125 utc - All India Radio?, India - (unid S. Asian language) - sio:433 - Fluttery signal, S. Asian music, Hindustani sounding language by man, then S. Asian style music (flute with tabla). AIR service to Pakistan listed this frequency. - (Yaesu FRG-7, 100 foot wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 5 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 7 20:58
9835 khz - 0340 utc - Radio Budapest, Hungary - (EE) - sio:333 - Fair signal, fluttery; woman interviewing man, "this is Hungary Today on Radio Budapest" by man at 0345. - (Realistic DX-160, Yaesu FRG-7, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 7 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 7 19:48
9900 - 0345 utc - Radio Cairo, Egypt - (Arabic) - sio:233 - Man speaking in Arabic, very low modulation, but relatively strong carrier... Then some pop music with woman singing, much louder modulation. At 0405 there was some synthesiser music, and a woman speaking in Arabic, mentioning the internet, and several web addresses. Then very low modulation again, when a man recited something, with some music in the background. - (Realistic DX-160, 100 foot wire - Seattle, WA, U.S.A. - 7 Nov 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Nov 7 19:06
5060.0 - 1735 - RADIO XINJIANG, CHINA - (Mand) - sio:143 - Music (opera style) // 7310 - (JRC 545 + Wellbrook ALA100 loop - french Alps, south east France - 07 Nov 2002)
Patrick Vignoud - aunumero13 at aol.com -Nov 7 17:41
4760.0 - 16:50 - TWR, SWAZILAND (tent) - (Vern) - sio:334 - Seemed african language - Signed-off 1700UTC after ID "Radio Trans..." probably TWR translated into their language - - (JRC 545 + Wellbrook ALA100 loop - - french Alps, south East France - 07 Nov 2002)
Patrick Vignoud - aunumero13 at aol.com -Nov 7 17:04
5010 - 1635 - RTV MALAGASY, MADAGASCAR - (FF) - sio:344 - News in french - (JRC 545 + Wellbrook ALA100 loop - Location : french Alps, south-east France - 07 nov 2002)
Patrick Vignoud - aunumero13 at aol.com -Nov 7 16:43
6280.2 kHz - 21.00 utc - IRRS-NEXUS, Italy (Milano) - (EE) - sio:444 - Test Tx, mainly in English, relaying programmes from United Nations Radio + Swiss Radio Int. / Can be received equally well in USB as AM, but the 'sio' rating here quoted for AM. / Tx.pwr 100kW, full test sched. 21.00 - 22.00utc, (actually shut down at 22.04). - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 4th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 4 23:42
9650 kHz - 1130z - Radio Korea International, South Korea - (EE) - sio:444 - News at 1131z followed by a discussion of college entrance exams. Station News at 1141z followed by DX Report. Good solid signal. - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 2 November)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Nov 2 11:58
12050 kHz - 04.20 utc - Radio Cairo (ERTU), Egypt (Abis) - (Arabic) - sio:551 - YL chanting in Arabic (?) at time of reception. The audio, however, was way overmodulating and distorting. So due to the strength of the signal, it was actually causing quite bad QRM with the BBC Af. Tx. on 12035kHz, (some 15kHz below). - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 2nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 2 04:55
6011.1 kHz (v) - 02.00 utc - La Voz de tu Conciencia (tent), Colombia (Bagota) - (Spanish) - sio:132 - No definitive ID. Quite weak and due to adjacent QRM rather difficult to confirm. However, on investigation (mostly via var. internet reports), I am cautiously confident that this entry is correct. / YL heard at time of Rx. (pos. Rig.?) / Suggestions welcomed. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Nov. 1st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Nov 1 12:50
25700 kHz - 11.29 utc - Deutsche Welle, Germany - (EE) - sio:445 - Programme called, "Hello Africa", from 11.30utc, so I assume this Tx. is beamed to Africa. / Not much activity on the 11m BC band nowadays, so it's good to hear it still being used. / DW are also to be heard on 25740kHz in German at this time + RFI can be heard tansmitting in French on 25820kHz. Other than this I know of very few other b'casters that choose to use this band anymore. - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel active ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 30 11:57
11820 kHz - 09.20 utc - Voice of Russia, Russia - (EE) - sio:344 - A programme including a reference to an earlier incarnation of VOR, "Radio Moscow". Concluded at 09.30utc with ID and was followed by another documentary on Russia. / Although VOR have used 11820kHz in the past, I can find no current English Tx. using this freq., either on the official website, or via other sources. (?) / (Shut-down at 10.00utc.) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 30 10:59
5050 kHz - 05.15 utc - WWRB "?", USA (Manchester - pres.) - (EE) - sio:132 - Quite a weak and noisy signal. Not really usable. / I am unable to find any ref. material to 'match' WWRB to this freq. Parallel 5085 + 6890kHz also received with marginally improved 'SIO' ratings. (These latter 2 transmissions known to be intended for NAm.) / Full sched. 01.00 - 07.00utc. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 30 07:29
9525 kHz - 03.00 utc - Channel Africa, South Africa (Meyerton) - (EE) - sio:322 - ID, "time and b'casting from South Africa", heard at beginning of 30min. sched. Tx. (03.00 - 03.30utc). News heard thereafter, but heavy QRM made listening difficult. / Mainly targeted to Africa. / (New b'cast for B02 period.) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 30 03:28
9845 - 01:00 - Radio netherlands, Netherlands - (ee) - sio:445 - General new from around the world - (aor7030plus - blackpool/uk - 29/10/02)
greg patterson - gregg02 at blueyonder.co.uk -Oct 29 01:04
3995 kHz - 19.00 utc - Deutsche Welle, Germany - (Non) - sio:555 - Supposed 30 min Eng. b'cast. (19.00 - 19.30utc) However, all that was heard for the full half hour was DW's very.. er.. 'reassuring' Interval Signal. (The IS actually continued after 19.30utc, but I went QSY - "My brain couldn't handle anymore.") - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 28th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 28 19:55
11670 - 1120 - NHK, Japan - (EE FR SP) - sio:555 - Recording on freq. alternating 3 languages with IS. In EE - 'This is Radio Japan-NHK World Network Tokyo'. S/O at 1157 UTC. Very strong signal. - (DX394-Hustler 5BTV vert. ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - Oct.27/02)
Thomas Moyer - n/a at this time. -Oct 27 12:26
5965 kHz - 07.00 utc - HCJB, Ecuador - (EE) - sio:445 - HCJB's 'B02' (07.00 - 09.00utc) morning sched. Tx. 100kW to Eu. in English. (Note: as HCJB has not yet updated their wesite, the new info. was obtained from HCDX.) / "Musical Mailbag" (a friendly programme of listeners letters and music) was heard from 07.00 - 07.30. After that I must have dozed off, but at approx. 08.50utc I did awaken to hear a Christian Ministry programme, however, the 'sio' rating had dropped somewhat (233). - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 27th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 27 11:51
3976 khz - 1225 utc - RRI Pontianak?, Kalimantan, Indonesia - (Bahasa Indonesia) - sio:131 - Barely readable audio, but parallel to other RRI outlets until bottom of hour; weaker than RRI Serui even though it's listed as having a stronger transmitter (1 kw). - (Sangean 818, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 24 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 26 20:25
4925 khz - 1230 utc - RRI Jambi, Sumatera, Indonesia - (Bahasa Indonesia) - sio:343 - Good audio, parallel to RRI Ujung Pandang on 4753, much stronger signal than RRI Serui on 4606; mention of Jakarta by man; chanting by woman, then speech by man. - (Sangean 818, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 24 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 26 20:19
4606 khz - 1209 utc - RRI Serui (near Irian Jaya), Indonesia - (Bahasa Indonesia) - sio:142 - Very weak audio, but parallel to other Radio Republik Indonesia outlet on 4753; the outlet on Serui is listed as 500 watts; good conditions this a.m.. QSB, QRM from some static crashes. - (Sangean 818, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 24 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 26 20:12
7105 kHz - 0344 utc - V. of America, USA - (EE) - sio:222 - ID “VOA“ at 0345. Discussion of Carrie Nation, famous Am. prohibitionist c. 1900. Full sked: 0300 to 0400. Tx site: Ascenion Island; power 250kW. Targets: swAf, seAf, sAF. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 25 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 25 04:00
7120 kHz - 0330 utc - BBC World Service, United Kingdom - (EE) - sio:433 - "Network Africa." ID "BBC's Network Africa" at 0335. Full sked: 0300 to 0500. Tx site: Meyerton, S. Africa; power 500 kw. Targets: wAf, cAf, swAf. Power reduces to 250kW at 0400 - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 25 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 25 03:40
7275 kHz - 0300utc - V. of America (Africa Service), USA - (EE) - sio:343 - "Daybreak Africa". News of Africa. ID "Africa service of the Voice of America" at 0313. Full sked: 0300 to 0500 daily. Tx site: Selebi-Phikwe/Moepeng Hil, Botswana; power 100kW. Targets: cAf, eAf, wAf. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 25 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 25 03:17
7275 kHz - 0242 utc - R. Liberty, USA - (Armenian) - sio:443 - Spoken language, with short bursts of mx interspersed. Full ske: 0200 to 0300 daily. No on-air ID; info extracted from ILGRadio database. Tx site: Tanger-Briech, Morocco; power 250kW. Target: wCIS. - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/Sony AN-LP1 active antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 25 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 25 03:03
7180 kHz - 0206utc - V. of Russia World Service, Russia - (EE) - sio:433 - News of hostage crisis in Moscow theater. ID at 0207. Followed by "Science and Engineering" feature, including inventor of Russian helicopter. "Russian by Radio" at 0231. Full sked: 0001 to 0500 daily. Tx site: Kichinev, Moldova; power 500kW. Targets: eUSA; Maritime Prov.; wEu. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 25 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 25 02:36
17630 kHz - 14.10 utc - Africa No.1, Gabon (Moyabi-Mouanda) - (French) - sio:445 - Mainly vocal YL and OM, with occ. African orientated music (incl. native drums etc...) sometimes as background. (I'm affraid my French is not fluent enough to comment too much on content.) / ID ("Radio Africa") was heard clearly at 15.00utc. / 500kW Tx intended for Af. - sched. 07.00 to 16.00utc daily. - (Panasonic RF-B45 - standard 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - Oct. 24th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 24 17:53
17895 kHz - 10.20 utc - All India Radio, India (Bangalore) - (EE) - sio:444 - YL ann. with "Indian style" music. ID heard by OM at aprox. 10.24utc. / Parallel freqs. 17800 + 17510 + 15020kHz also heard with poorer SIO ratings. / Full Eng. sched. 10.00 - 11.00utc, targeted to EAs. Aus. NZ. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 24th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 24 11:08
4845.0khz - 0650z - Radio Mauritanie, MAURITANIA - (AA) - sio:444 - Singing of the Koran in arabic. Loud and steady. Very listenable with minimial QRM from over the horizon radar. - (ICR71a, 55' vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 24 October 02)
John WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Oct 24 06:57
11787 presumed - 2100 - Radio Iraq, Iraq - (aa) - sio:443 - lots of music with 1om in aa - (r1051b/urr long wire - Texas - 10/23/2002)
arqe331 - arqe331 at msn.com -Oct 23 21:58
4750 khz - 1235 utc - RRI Ujung Pandang, Indonesia (Sulawesi) - (Bahasa Indonesia) - sio:343 - Indonesian speech by man, Asian music; QRM by heterodyne - (Sony ICF 5900w, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 23 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 23 20:11
4525 khz - 1215 utc - Nei Menggu, China - (Mongolian) - sio:252 - A woman talking in a north Asian language (not Chinese), taking phone calls, playing Chinese pop music; news or talk by man at bottom of hour, then more music. - (Sony ICF5900w, Sangean 909, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 23 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 23 19:51
11835 khz - 0320 - BBC, ??? - (English) - sio:545 - Very strong BBC in English, about as strong as the old North American service was. No idea which service this is, as the only one listed I could find was the one to East Africa. - (Sony ICF 5900w, Sangean 818, 100 ft. wire - Seattle, WA USA - 19 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 23 19:22
11845 khz - 0318 - BBC , Cyprus - (Russian?) - sio:445 - Strong signal, Slavic language, with mentions of 'BBC' - (Sony ICF5900w, 100 ft. wire - Seattle WA USA - 19 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 23 19:11
11865 khz - 0315 - BBC?, Seychelles? - (Swahili?) - sio:545 - Very loud signal in African language, hrd. mention of "BBC", BBC Swahili service listed this freq. and time slot. - (Sony ICF 5900w, 100 ft. wire - Seattle WA USA - 19 Oct 2002)
Chris C - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 23 19:03
7270 khz - 1250 - RTM Kuching, Malaysia - (??) - sio:445 - RT Malaysia Kuching, Green network, two or three guys dancing, and singing / chanting in what sounds like Malay or SE Asian language; I could hear some rhythm sticks now and then, and also could hear the audience responding from time to time. Periodic QRM from hams. Excellent propagation to SE Asia this particular morning. - (Sony ICF 5900w, 100 ft. wire - Seattle WA USA - 12 Oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 23 18:33
7245 khz - 0815 - UNID, Mauretania? - (Arabic?) - sio: - Man chanting in what sounded like Arabic, fair to weak signal, faded out by 0830. The only stn. I could find that is in an Islamic country that would match this propagation would be Mauretania.... - (Sangean 803A, 100 ft wire - Seattle WA USA - 11 oct 2002)
Chris C. - renton481 at yahoo.com -Oct 23 18:12
103.0 - 10:20 - rb2, Botswana - (E) - sio: - song of the day!!! - (laptop - - )
kagiso jenamo - dirty12chesa at yahoo.com -Oct 21 20:19
FM - 10:15 - , Botswana - (sets) - sio: - music - ( - - 20-10-02)
kagiso jenamo - dirty12chesa at yahoo.com -Oct 21 20:15
11910 kHz - 00.58 utc - Vatican Radio, Vatican State - (Spanish) - sio:445 - Signing on over the top of WWBS, with their beautiful IS "Christus Vincit", at the opening of their Spanish b'cast to America, beginning at 01.00utc. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 20th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 20 10:56
11910 kHz - 00.40 utc - WWBS, USA (Macon) - (EE) - sio:334 (Fluctuating) - Christian Ministry. / 50kw Tx. Intended for NAm. Full sched. 23.00 - 01.00utc (Sa.Su.) / Signal and audio fluctuating rapidly into WEu. but readable all the same. Drowned out by Vatican Radio's IS at 00.58utc, but still able to hear ID underneath at 00.59utc, just before close. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 20th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 20 10:06
9975 kHz - 0121utc - R. Norway Int'l, Norway - (Norwegian) - sio:443 - Pop mx w/fem. ann. ID of "Radio Danmark" at 0130 (Norway and Denmark share TX site. R. Danmark prog. immediately follows R. Norway at 0130). Full sked: 0100 to 0130. Tx site: Kvitsoey; power 500kW. Targets: ME; Afghanistan; India/Pakistan. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 20 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 20 01:35
- - , - () - sio: - FREQ CORRECTION: V. of Croatia logging at 0102utc, 20 OCT 02 should read "9925 kHz". Sorry for any confusion. Bucky - ( - - )
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 20 01:19
9925 kHz - 0102utc - V. of Croatia, Croatia - (EE and SS) - sio:554 - Freq announcements in Eng. and Sp. ID at 0103 and 0106. News in English at 0106. Male and fem. ann in Spanish at 0109. Tx site: Juelich, Germany; power 100kW. Targets: USA; Maritime Prov.; Mexico. - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/Sony AN-LP1 active antenna. - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 20 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 20 01:15
9915 kHz - 0042utc - BBC World Service, United Kingdom - (Arabic) - sio:333 - Middle Eastern mx and song. ID at 0100 acc. by chimes of Big Ben . Full sked: 0001 to 0300 daily. Tx site: Limassol, Cyprus; power 300kW. Target: Middle East. (Note: Tx site, sked, and target extracted from ILGRadio Database using the excellent Windows frontend Radio Listener's Database.) - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 20 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 20 01:00
9825 kHz - 0003utc - BBC World Service, United Kingdom - (EE) - sio:433 - World news. ID at 0006. Sports at 0020. Tx site: Ascension Island; power 250kW. Targets: neBrazil, seBrazil; cSAm, sSAm. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 20 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 20 00:28
25820 - 1215 - RFI, France - (EE) - sio:555 - ''Network Europe" program. News, comments etc. from several European broadcasters, transmitted via RFI's 500 kw xmitter. - (YB300PE, whip ant.only - Bowmanville.Ont.CA - Oct 19/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatico.ca -Oct 19 12:50
4845 - 2255utc - R. Mauritanie, Mauritania - (Arabic) - sio:454 - Arabic mx. Male ann. at 2300. More mx and singing. Possible ID of "Mauritania" at 0003. Pretty sure of ID of "Mauritania" at 0003. Full sked: 1800 to 0100 daily. Tx site: Nouakchott; power 100kW. Target: wAf. Would appreciate confimation of this station/freq/time from other SW listeners. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 18 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 19 00:21
9885 kHz - 0320utc - Voice of America, USA - (EE) - sio:343 - "Daybreak Africa". ID at 0329. "VOA News Now" at 0330. Full sked: 0300 to 0430. Tx site: Selebi-Phikwe/Moepeng Hil (Botswana); power, 100kW. Targets: cAf, eAf, swAf. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 18 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 18 03:34
9475 kHz - 0200 - R. Cairo, Egypt - (EE) - sio:444 - ID at 0200. News, followed by ME mx. Then fem. reader with mx insterspersed. (Note: voice is muffled...sounds like a defective microphone. Music is very clear.) Full sked: 0200 to 0330. Tx site: Abis; power 500kW. Target: USA. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 18 OCT 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Oct 18 02:17
6950 +/- 2 - 01:44 - Radio Free Euphoria, USA - (EE) - sio:524 - Free Radio, drug/fart related humor, lot's of Christmas parody stuff - (DX398 - INDIANA - 10/17/02)
Hiker - hikezilla at yahoo.com -Oct 17 02:26
6010 kHz - 20.40utc - Belaruskaje Radyjo (BR1), Belarus (Brest) - (Byelorussian(?)) - sio:212 - OM ann. with classical music and operatic soprano singer. / Quite a weak signal with a truck load of QRM, but able to hear the b'cast clearer when switching to USB. / Although R.Polonia cut in over the top at 21.00hrs, I had been able to tentatively ID station by comparing against 2 parallel freqs. 6040 + 6070kHz (QRM was very strong, but I am 99.9% confident that this logging is correct). - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 16th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 16 22:10
6955 - around 0130 - wmpr, ? - (ee) - sio: - pirarate radio - (dx 402 - - 10-14-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 15 20:49
13840 kHz (DSB) - 10.59utc - IRRS - Nexus, Italy (Milano) - (EE) - sio:122 - IRRS have had several upgrades: (Quote; "Transmitter modulation has been digitally-enhanced to support CCM (Carrier Controlled Modulation), DSB (Dual Side Band); our antenna system has been upgraded; and our digital audio link to the transmitter and modulation has been improved.") The transmission was received here in Guernsey, but rather weakly. ID was heard at 11.00utc. Test transmission sched: 0800-1200 utc. Oct. 12-13 and Oct. 19-20. 10kW - Targeted mainly to, Eu. nAf. ME + DX into former USSR. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 13th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 13 16:59
6100 kHz - 18.30utc - Radio Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia (Biljeljina, Bosnia-Hercegovina) - (EE) - sio:544 - IS and ID heard at 18.30, followed by news in English read by YL / Yugoslavia resumed their shortwave transmissions recently (around 20th Sept.), after a long suspension during which their programmes were only available on the internet. / This transmission for Europe - sched. 18.30 to 19.00utc. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - oct. 10th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 10 20:15
7180//12000 - 0130 - VoR, Russia - (ee) - sio:444 - History of Russia Jazz with jazz from the 20s and 30s - (r1051b/urr - texas - 10/8/2002)
arqe331` - arqe331 at msn.com -Oct 9 01:40
17545 - 1900z - Kol Israel, Israel - (EE) - sio:454 - English news at 1900z. Announcement was made that since Israel ending daylight savings time today, programs will be heard one our later beginning tomorrow (0500z, 1115z, 1730z, and 2000z.) - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 6 October)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Oct 6 21:38
21465 kHz - 11.00utc - Radio Pakistan, Pakistan - (EE) - sio:352 - ID followed by News in English, then close down at approx. 11.06utc (Note: Most ref. material indicate this TX to be at 10.00 - 10.04utc, [1hr earlier]) / No actual QRM and signal strength not to bad, but audio very distorted and overmodulating, which made listening very difficult. (In fact, for half an hour before 11.00utc, Pakistan had been b'casting a programme in Urdu which included mx/song, but the quality was so poor that it hardly seemed worth it.) - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 'Active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 6th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 6 19:26
11605 15615 17545 - 1904 - radio isreal, isreal - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 - - 9-21-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:18
6175 - 238 - voice of vietnam, vietnam - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 with 140 feet of copper wire - - 9-20-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:16
9.725 12.000 - 2209 - voice of the andies, equdor - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 with 140 feet of copper wire - - 9-20-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:14
11690 - 0030 - radio vilnius, ? - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 with 140 feet of copper wire - - 9-19-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:13
11600 - 2237 - check republic, check republic - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 - - 9-19-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:12
18960 - 1345 - radio sweeden, sweeden - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 with 140 feet of copper wire - - 9-14-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:10
9515 13655 - 1417 - rci, canada - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 with 140 feet of copper wire - - 9-1-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:09
15220 - 1545 - radio netherlands, netherlands - (ee) - sio: - am - (dx 402 with 140 feet of copper wire - - 10-05-02)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Oct 5 16:07
21550 kHz - 13.50utc - Millennium Voice (Clan.), Tx. from, Woofferton (UK), (believed) - (Arabic) - sio:344 - ID heard in English (OM ann. "Millenium Voice"), which also stated target areas as being, Kenya, Somalia and [Uganda?]. Otherwise, all commentary was by a YL, (I am unable to comment on content due to language barrier). / Transmission ceased at 14.30utc. - (Panasonic RF-B45 (portable) - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Oct. 4th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Oct 4 18:00
15,475khz - 2030-2125z s/off - Radio National Arcangel, Artarctica - (SS) - sio:252 - Tentative logging of Radio National Arcangel in San Gabriel Antarctica. Signals peaking S5, no QRM. Several announcements of "Radio National" in spanish although audio was hard to understand. - (Icom R71a, 55 ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - October 3, 2002)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com - Audio clip: http://members.aol.com/j999w/DX -Oct 3 00:49
11,745.0khz - 0410z - Christian Vision International, Chile, Santiago - (SS) - sio:544 - Excellent signals during very auroral conditions. // 15,375 and 6,070 which are MUCH weaker. Religious sounding progarmming in spanish. - (R71a, 55 ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 2 Oct. 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - J999W at aol.com -Oct 2 04:21
3,291.2khz - 0350z - R. Guyana, Guyana - (EE) - sio:323 - Fair with S8 signal, lightning QRN. Music, woman announcer in english. Fair heterodyne from Namibia on 3,290.0 - (Icom R71a, 55 ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 2 Oct. 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Oct 2 03:55
7,110.0khz - 0330-0400+z - Radio Ethiopia, Ethiopia - (AA) - sio:323 - Identification confirmed by the xylophone interval signal at 0400z. Sounded like english initially, but certainly after 0400z it sounded more arabic (Ahmeric). Audio clip at http://members.aol.com/j999w/DX - (Icom R71a, 55ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 30 Sept. 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Oct 1 12:57
5965 kHz - 22.31utc - BBC World Service, UK, (Thailand relay) - (EE) - sio:222 - BBC WS, to East Asia. Full Eng. Sched. 21.00 - 24.00 / International news at time of rx. / Weak and suffering QRM from V.o.Turkey on 5960kHz, but not too bad considering it's target area. I'm quite supprised, sometimes, how far signals can carry on the 49m band and still be heard, here in Guernsey (UK), alongside the strong European stations. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 30 22:59
7,275.0khz - 0500z - Radio Tunis, Tunisia - (AA) - sio:544 - HUGE signal in Arabic parallel 7190.0khz. Peaking S9+35db. Deutche Welle opening up on 7190.0khz at 0500z. - (Icom R71a, 55ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 30 Sept 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 30 05:03
7180khz - 0300z s/on - Voice of Russia, Russia - (EE) - sio:554 - S9+20db with some QSB. This freq. not listed on SPEEDX or ILG databases. Some ham QRM but not much. - (Icom R71a, 55ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 30 Sept. 02)
John WIlke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 30 03:05
9475khz - 0200z - Radio Cairo, Egypt - (EE) - sio:544 - S9+30db . English translations of the Koran. Singing followed by the english translation. If you ever wondered what they were singing about, this is the program for you. - (Kenwood R71a, 55 ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 30 Sept. 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 30 02:30
11675 - 1045z - Radio New Zealand, New Zealand - (EE) - sio:444 - Heard from 1045 to 1105z sign-off. News at 1100z. Very good signal. At 1105z sign-off, they advised retuning to 15,175, but nothing heard there. - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 27 September)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Sep 27 11:40
15435 kHz - 1520utc - Radio Great Jamahiriya, Libya - (Arabic) - sio:211 - Gr.Jamahiriya (Tx. from Libya) heard 'underneath' a far more powerful BSKSA (1) (Saudi Arabia). / Able to confirm ID by comparing with 2x parallel French relays 17695 + 21810kHz. / OM making a speach of some sort, unsure of content. / 500kW TX to Eu. ME Af. / Full sched. 1400 - 1600utc. - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 26th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 26 16:44
9900 - 2:20 - Radio Cairo, Egypt - () - sio:554 - Arabic Music/Commentary - (Kenwood R1000 - Columbus, Ohio USA - 9/24/2002)
Pete Remenyi - premenyi at hotmail.com -Sep 24 02:31
4845khz - 2300utc - Radio Mauritanie, Mauritania - (AA) - sio:444 - Very strong with arabic mx and man/woman chat. S9+10db well before sunset. Well heard here in the states as listed on rec.radio.shortwave and earlier on this log.. - (Kenwood R1000, 55 ft vertical - Milwaukee, WI USA - 23 Sept 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 24 01:48
9950 kHz - 2100z - All India Radio, India - (EE) - sio:333 - General Overseas Service. News followed by a discussion of Macedonia. Indian music at 2110z. Parallel to much better 11620 kHz (sio 454). - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 21 September)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Sep 21 22:46
25820 kHz AM - 1201 - Radio France Internationale, France - (EE) - sio:353 - Int'l news. I.D. at 1206. "Network Europe" at 1210 w/female ann.; discussion of upcoming German elections and resistance to war with Iraq. Full sked: 1200 to 1230. Tx site: Issoudun; power 500kW. Targets: neAf, eAf,cAf, seAf; Kerguelen Is. Moderate to heavy fading at times with this signal. - (Grundig Sat 800 w/70-ft longwire antenna - Springfield, Mass., USA - 21 SEP 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Sep 21 12:31
9680 - 2030z - Radio Thailand, Thailand - (EE) - sio:232 - News and then a discussion of Thailand's economy. Into lang at 2045z. - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 20 September)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Sep 21 12:03
4980 kHz - 0355utc - Ecos del Torbes, Venezuela (San Christobal) - (Spanish) - sio:343 - Very little interference apart from occ. static crashes. / 'Strongly' voiced male announcer ID'd station just before close at 0400utc, although the several references to Venezuela were clearer than the ID itself. / 'Signature' music also heard. / Full sched. believed to be 0900 - 0400. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept, 19th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 19 04:32
4930 kHz - 0115utc - Turkmen Radio, Turkmenistan (Ashgabat) - (Turkmen) - sio:211 - Previous entry of Turkmen Radio (see entry below, dated Sep.18th, 5015kHz) now confirmed beyond reasonable doubt by reception of this parallel transmission. Although being 'drowned out' somewhat by another unidentified station, (pos. R.Costena, Honduras?), I was able to 'cross refer' between the two transmissions and confirm similarity. (Now all I've got to do is find a way of confirming Costena, - don't hold your breath.) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 19th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 19 01:50
7210.2 - 5:15 - R. Dif Du Benin?, Benin - (French) - sio:122 - Heavy QRM from amateur operators made station quite tough to hear, but it was right on 7210.2 with French language programming. - (Sony ICF-2010 w/ longwire - Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. - 09/18)
Chris Boyd - -Sep 18 05:40
5015 kHz - 2245utc - Turkmen Radio *(pres.), Turkmenistan (Ashgabat) - (Turkmen) - sio:333 - Difficult to ID this station 100% as I do not understand Turkmen and QRN poor at this time. However, the 'near eastern' or 'Russian' [local Turkman maybe] sounding music being played from time to time and the 'style' of language heard, convince me that it is not Latin American (or even African). Also, all ref. material and 'tropical' loggings that I can find on the internet, etc... point this toward being Turkmen Radio. (???) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 17th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 18 00:33
6219 kHz - 0300utc - Laser (Hot Hits), Beamed across Europe - (EE) - sio:233 - A 'so called' Pirate station, now b'casting 'top hits' 24/7. / 'Advertised' as transmitting on 6220kHz, but received here slightly lower in freq. / (Also note; I have tried to receive WHYP here in Guernsey without, [as one might have guessed], any success at all. Maybe oneday, under freak conditions perhaps.) - (And a better aerial set-up.) - (Icom IC-R75 - with a 'struggling' 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 16th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 16 03:28
21597.5 - 1330z - UAE Radio, Dubai - (EE) - sio:433 - English news at 1330, followed by a program about arabic music, including its influence on Wagner! Into Arabic at 1350z. Annoying 2500 Hz heterodyne as a result of the oddball frequency. - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - 15 September)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Sep 15 15:05
9405 - 1455 - FEBC Radio International, Philippines - (Chinese) - sio:343 - Unknown - (Sony ICF-2010 w/ longwire - Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. - 09/14)
Chris Boyd - -Sep 14 15:26
9690 - 1345 - All India Radio, India - (EE) - sio:444 - U.N. programming about Papua New Guinea - (Sony ICF-2010 - Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. - 09/14)
Chris Boyd - -Sep 14 15:22
8104 USB - 0300Z - Israeli Navy?, Israel - (CW) - sio:579 - CW SIGNAL - VVV VVV DE 4ZX repeated over and over. I think this is a Israeli navy freq but not 100% sure. - (DX398 with dipole - Indiana - 09/11/2002)
Brian - -Sep 11 03:02
5757 - 0213 - UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN - (CW) - sio:579 - CW - RANDOM 5 LETTER GROUPS. - (DX398 - INDIANA - 09/11/2002)
BRIAN - -Sep 11 02:16
6953 AM - 0030z - WHYP (pirate), North East USA - (ee) - sio:423 - JB with editorial about WBCQ's Censorship policy. The free speech of the F bomb! Sharply off at 0053z. Geez, he sounded serious for a change. Not sure if this guy can be received outside the northeast US.? Listen for the "old man Indian chanting" Interval Signal just before sign on. - (TenTec rx320 w/20 meter lw - Brick, NJ, usa - 10 Sept 2002)
Bob Colyard - slapshot at cybercomm.net -Sep 10 01:04
6010 kHz - 2201utc - China National Radio (CNR2?) , China (Xian) - (EE) - sio:222 - B'casting some form of English 'magazine' program with plenty of adverts, followed just before 2230utc by a 'learning English' program, using simple words, with music as a topic. / CNR2 generally transmit nationally in Mandarin. / Numerous parallel freqs. (3985,5010,7335,+9480kHz plus others) all received, but non any clearer than 6010kHz, which was also suffering QRM and QRN. / Eng. sched. 2200 - 2300utc. (Mandarin thereafter). - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 9th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 9 23:04
21735 kHz - 13.05 utc - Radio Prague, Czech Republic (Litomysl) - (EE) - sio:344 (fading to 'no signal') - Very strong at time of first reception, but fading away over a period of approx. 10-15 mins to 'no signal' (sio:000 - if there is such a thing). / This Tx is beamed to S.Asia, (a parallel Tx to N.Europe on 13580kHz was also heard, not as strong to begin with - [sio:222] - but then not fading either). / This Tx has also changed freq. from the beginning of the A02 period, as it had been on 21745kHz originally. / this sched. 13.00 - 13.29utc - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 08, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 8 22:39
21470 kHz - 1216utc - Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran (Sirjan) - (EE) - sio:334 - Programme about the impact of Islam in SEAsia. (News at 1221utc before music and close). / Actually 'beamed' to SEAsia, the 'Overall' rating can only be described as '4' at best here in the UK ('2-4' var.), but still useable all the same. / Eng. sched. 1100 to 1230utc / Very weak parallel sig. on 21730kHz also rec. (sio:111) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 8, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 8 12:47
6175 - 03:30 - Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam - (EE) - sio:345 - Female EE speaker, discussing Vietnamese events, and African UN meeting - (DX398, 1/2 wave 40M dipole in my attic, with homebrew antenna tuner - Central Indiana - 09/08/02)
Brian - -Sep 8 03:40
9435 - 0403 - Kol Israel, Israel - (EE) - sio:433 - News of Israel and the world with emphasis on Palestinian uprising and possible war with Iraq. I.D. at 0406, "Kol Israel, the Voice of Israel broadcasting from Jerusalem." Wx at 0414. Full sked: 0400 to 0415. Tx site: TelAviv-Yavne; power 300kW. Targets: USA; Canada; Mexico; Eu. (Switched to French at 0415.) - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/Sony AN-LP1 active antenna. - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 07 SEP 02)
ghydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Sep 7 04:16
11620 kHz AM - 2104 - All India Radio, India - (EE) - sio:233 - News and commentary. ID "general overseas service of All India Radio" at 2109. Indian instrumental music at 2120. Full sked: 2045 to 2230. Tx site: Aligarh; power 250kW. Targets: Aus; New Zealand. (Finally!) - (Grundig Sat 800/70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 05 SEP 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Sep 6 02:21
4845 kHz AM - 0005utc - Radio Mauritanie, Mauritania (Nouakchott) - (French) - sio:333 - Mainly chat, (unsure of content) with occ. music, and Arabic style chant before close at 0100utc. / Mauritania national b'cast, one of two sched. transmissions, this being 1800 to 0100utc. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 5th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 5 12:14
4770 kHz AM - 2145utc - Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Nigeria (Kaduna) - (EE) - sio:222 - FRCN national b'cast from Kaduna. (50kW) / Song, 'The Power of Love', after which a male ann. was heard untill 2200utc. Although the transmission was in English, it was difficult to determine exactly what he was on about due to rapid fading and a rather high level of static on the band, but several references to Nigeria were made, helping to make ID more reliable. Varied music (pop/mor/african) heard after 2200utc, again with male ann. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 4th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 4 22:47
6955 AM - 0100- - WHYP, USA - (EE) - sio:444 - 4th Anniversary of WHYP program laden with profanity...stories about Lee - (R75 w/longwire - Bayville NJ - sept 4 02)
Mike Strain K2MMM - KC2FKO at msn.com -Sep 4 01:54
12055 kHz - 0150 - Vatican Radio, Vatican City - (EE) - sio:434 - Catholic religious news. Ended abruptly at 0159 during Vatican signature music. Tx site: St.Maria Galeria, Russia; power 250 kW. Targets: India/Pakistan. - (Grundig Sat 800/70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 03 SEP 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Sep 3 02:01
11820 kHz; sync LSB - 0115 utc - Voice of America, USA - (EE) - sio:444 - "VOA News Now" . Sports at 0122 (U.S. Open tennis; baseball and int'l basketball scores; swimming, cricket, etc.). Tx site: Kavala, Greece; power 250kW. Targets: India/Pakistan. (Note: This transmission would've been unreadable (due to adjacent channel interference on 11825) at my QTH without the sideband-selectable sync detector on the radio. The difference was incredible!) - (Grundig Sat 800/70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 03 SEP 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Sep 3 01:41
15385 kHz - 0001 utc - R. Exterior de España, Spain - (Spanish) - sio: 555 - News. Followed by a mix of pop music, wx, and more news. I.D. at 0027. Sports at 0036. "A Spanish Course by Radio" at 0044. Tx site: Noblejas; power 350kW. Targets: eCanada, Maritime Prov.; cUSA, eUSA; Mexico; CAm, Carib. - (Grundig Sat 800/approx. 70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 03 SEP 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Sep 3 00:46
11670 - 1940 - VOIRI, Iran - (EE ) - sio:444 - Tuned in around 1940z and heard news program w/male female combo,news mostly focused around Israel/Palestine conflict. Station ID at 1943 - (R75 w/longwire - Bayville NJ USA - 9/2/02)
Mike Strain K2MMM - KC2FKO at msn.com -Sep 2 22:51
11100 kHz AM - 2155utc - China National Radio (CNR5?), China (Beijing) - (Chinese) - sio:244 - No definitive ID, but unable to find any other b'casts on this 'out-of-band' freq. / Mainly female ann. ('standard' Chinese?), with occ. oriental music/song, esp. before 2200utc. - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 2nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 2 22:26
15150 - 2015z - Voice of Indonesia, Indonesia - (ee) - sio:344 - Music and talks about the Indonesian islands. "Getting to know Indonesia", ID as "the Voice of Indonesia". Never heard here at this time of day. Europe listed as target in ILG. Pretty good signal at this time, must be extreme conditions. - (TenTec RX320, 20 meter N/S longwire. - Brick, NJ, usa - 02 sept)
Bob Colyard - slapshot at cybercomm.net -Sep 2 20:27
4915 kHz AM - 22.00utc - Radio Ghana, Ghana - (EE) - sio:222 - Station ID heard at 22.00utc followed by news in English. / National b'cast, this presumed to be Radio 1 (multilingual) / (High level of atmospheric static at time of RX.) / ('Cheers John') - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Sept. 1st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Sep 1 22:16
15120.0khz - 1945z - Radio Nigeria, Nigeria - (EE) - sio:443 - Strong signals with a lot of auroral flutter. - (R1000, EWE - Milwaukee, WI USA - 1 Sept 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 1 19:48
3210.0khz - 0550z - WWCR, USA Tennesee - (EE) - sio:544 - Very strong with QRN. Religious programming. "You cannot drug yourself into heaven ! " - (R1000, EWE - Milwaukee, WI USA - 1 Sept 2002)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 1 05:50
3350khz - 0540z - R. Ext de Espana, Costa Rica - (SS) - sio:343 - S9+10db with QRN. Not much on the band. - (Kenwood R1000, EWE - Milwaukee, WI USA - Packer Land ! - 1 Sept 2002)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 1 05:46
4770.0khz - 0530z - Radio Nigeria, Nigeria - (EE) - sio:343 - Domestic service in english with slow, western pop music. Fair amount of lightning QRN but sigs S9+10db. - (Kenwood R1000, EWE - Milwaukee, WI USA (Packer Land USA ! ) - 1 Sept 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Sep 1 05:30
7465 kHz AM - 0302utc - The Overcomer Ministry (Brother Stair) , USA - (EE) - sio:223 - Christian Ministry with Brother Stair. / I am unable to find any reference to this, or any other b'cast on this freq. for this time period. - Yet just prior to 0300 another unknown foreign station was heard to shut down, allowing the Overcomer b'cast to be heard. ??? - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Aug. 31st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 31 03:30
4635 kHz - 2340utc - Radio Tadjikistan* (pres), Tajikistan - (Mainly in Tajik) - sio:122 - Music and occ. talking heard. Very difficult to confirm station ID, but unable to find any other station listed on this non standard 'out-of-BC-band' freq. / Full Tx. sched. listed as being 1400 - 1100utc. / National b'cast. - *(May be more officially known as; Kumitai Davlatii Televizion Va Radioi [TR1]?) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Aug. 30th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 31 00:09
9910 kHz AM - 2130utc - Radio Free Asia, USA (Palau relay) - (Mandarin) - sio:111 - Asian music, targeted to Asia. / Masses of QRM and QRN. Was only able to confirm station 'ID' by cross refering against other clearer parallel transmissions and straining my ears. (Palau, however, is a new country for me I believe. If relays 'count' that is?) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - Aug. 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 30 21:54
4915.0 - 0600 - Radio Ghana, Ghana - (EE) - sio:433 - Drums, time pips, and ID at top of the hour. "This is Radio Ghana, it's 6 O'Clock" Heard much clearer last week. - (Icom R71a, EWE antenna - Milwaukee, WI USA - 27.8.02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -Aug 27 06:11
4915 kHz AM - 23.35utc - R. CBN Anhanguera, Brazil (Goiania) - (Portuguese) - sio:122 - Sports commentary heard (pos. football?) / Parallel b'cast heard with slightly better sio (233) on 11830kHz / Both 10kW transm. - (Icom IC-R75 with30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - August 26th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 27 00:00
17705 - 1630 - Voice of Greece, Greece - (ee) - Very good signal here for this, better than //15630 khz. Talk about the up coming olympics and Greek Americans. Mentioned "back again next Saturday" at the same time. This is not listed in the ILG database.. I remember this use to be a daily time slot that was dropped, may be only Saturdays now.?
BTW, after many helpful emails from some users, I have decided to change this logger over to SIMPO or SIO sometime in the near future. The RST was something that I used in personal logbooks and just never bothered to change. 73 de Bob - 555 - (TenTec RX320 w/30 meter longwire - Brick, NJ USA - 24 Aug, 2002)
Bob Colyard - slapshot at cybercomm.net -Aug 24 17:15
6085 kHz AM - 14.35 utc - Bayern Eins (through, BR Kurzwelle), Germany (Munchen-Geisburg) - (Ger.) - Bayern Eins is a national commercial station, here being b'cast through Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) Kurzwelle, which is a shortwave service catering for the state of Bayern (Bavaria). / The station ID was clearly heard several times around 14.40utc, the main content of the programme being MOR or Pop music and German advertisements. / Bayern Eins is relayed Mon.-Fri., 12.00-16.00utc - rst:477 - sio:444 - (Panasonic RF-B45 portable with standard 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - August, 22nd, 2002 (thur.))
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 22 22:45
6000 - 0143 - Radio Havana, Cuba - (EE) - Letters from listeners, considerable slop - 346 - (Icom PCR 100 Javaradio w/inverted dipole - Bologna, Italy - 8-22-02)
Brad - bradsown at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 22 01:51
12085 - 1535 - Radio Damascus, Syria - (AA) - AA chanting, lots of slop from BBC 12095 khz. - 235 - (Icom PCR1000 - web receiver, Bologna, Italy - 8-19-02)
Brad - bradsown at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 19 15:38
9710 kHz AM - 09.00 utc - Radio Vilnius, Lithuania - (Lithuanian) - 'Radio Vilnius' ID heard in Eng., stating the next half hour program to be b'cast in Lithuanian - Religious music then heard. / (Note: The FBN b'cast, [see previously entry below], closed just before 09.00utc, when a tone signal was heard. Just seconds before 09.00utc the tone signal became far more powerful, then Vilnius announced their b'cast. As both the FBN and Vilnius transmissions here originate from Lithuania, I suspect they are using the same transmitter..??) - rst:577 - sio:445 - (Panasonic RF-B45 portable with standard 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (mobile) - Aug. 17th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 17 13:07
9710 kHz AM - 08.40 utc - Fundamental BC Network , USA (Lithuanian relay) - (EE) - Bible reading from "John" at time of Rx. / Full sched. - 08.00 to 09.00utc (sat.) / Target presumed Eu. 100kW? / (Note: I am unable to totally confirm wether this relay is the same transmitter as used by R.Vilnius? - see next entry) - rst:333 - sio:233 - (Panasonic RF-B45 portable with standard 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (mobile) - Aug, 17th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 17 12:43
6030 // 7365 kHz AM - 23.30 utc - Radio Marti (pres.), USA (Greenville) - (Spanish) - Very weak signals making definite ID difficult, but able to compare both freqs. against each other to confirm similarity and able to detect language as being Spanish. (IS heard with pos. ID ? at 23.59) - rst:233 - sio:222 (both freqs. similar rating) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - August 16th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 17 00:24
12000 kHz AM - 19.01 utc - The Voice of Russia (WS), Russia (TX site, Moscow) - (EE) - News heard in English, although the VOR website and other sources of info, indicate that this broadcast should be in French to Africa. (Parallel freq. 9890kHz also heard in English, yet all other parallel freqs. received at this time were in French as listed) - sio:434 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - August 11th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 11 20:50
918 kHz AM - 20.31 utc - Radiotelevizija Slovenija 1 , Slovenia (Domzale) - (EE) - 3 minute Eng. news b'cast heard, incl. weather forcast for Slovenia. / Strong QRM from Spanish station (R.Intercontinental, Madrid?) / Full Eng. sched. 20.30 - 20.33utc / For further details, see entry dated June 24th. - rst:244 - sio:232 - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - August 7th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Aug 7 21:01
17870 - 1800z - Channel Africa, South Africa - (EE) - News followed by an interview with Britain's minister for Africa concerning farm subsidies. At 1817z, an interview with a female African playwright. Sports program at 1822z. Switched to French at 1830z. Good sounding audio! - SIO 444 - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - August 2, 2002)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Aug 2 18:51
6458.5 - 0230 - AFRTS, US - (EE) - USB mode. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service. - RS:57 with little fading - (ICOM-706 MK II G - Liberty, MO - July 28, 2002)
Jim Swaters / WB0IXI - swatersjl at bv.com -Jul 28 13:39
7295 kHz - 13:45 Gulfport, Mississippi - Malaysia Radio, Africa - (N/A) - AM; Program content not in English; woman talking - N/A - (Radio Shack DX-302 with a Sony Wide Band Antenna - 30.6 North 89 East - 7/25/2002)
Chris Acuff - Chrislmp2 at yahoo.com -Jul 25 14:26
162 - - WBBM-780, IL,USA - () - WBBM Chicago. Supposedly they only trasnsmit on 780khz - - (Panasonic RF-b45 - - )
Andy Warkentin - -Jul 23 04:28
6973 kHz AM - 22.30 utc - Galei Zahal, Israel - (Hebrew) - National programming in Hebrew. But I am unable to find much reference to this station. / Ethnic music and male ann. at time of Rx. / Full B-cast sched. 18.00 to 03.00utc daily. - rst:344 - sio:223 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - July 20th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Jul 20 22:50
15665 kHz AM - 21.01 utc - WSHB (Christian Science), USA (Cypress Creek) - (EE) - An inspirational programme talking with individuals who have been touched by the loving power of God, followed by Christian teaching. / Eng. sched. 21.00 to 21.57utc (Sa, Su, Mo, We.) / Targeted to Eu. - rst:436 - sio:244 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - July 15th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Jul 15 21:53
11730 kHz AM - 15.10 utc - Radio Tunisia International - (ERTT)* , Tunisia - (Arabic) - Quite a strong signal into the UK at the moment. (Just slight QRM). Arabic style music being played at time of RX, with male and female announcers, who broke into the music to have a discussion of some sort. (Unable to comment on the topic of conversation, as I have no Arabic to my name, but it all sounded very interesting.) / This transm. I believe originates from Sfax at 100kW. Not 100% sure of full sched. times, but RTT at least transmit between 14.00 and 16.00utc. / Some international broadcasts of Tunisia include national programming - (and 'visa versa') / 2x parallel freq. 15450 (poor rst rating) and 17735kHz also heard. / *(Etablissement de la Radiodiffusion-Television Tunisienne) - rst:476 - sio:444 - (Panasonic RF-B45 portable - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - July 11th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban at dxing.zzn.com -Jul 11 22:38
21500 kHz AM - 20.45 utc - Voz Cristiana, Chile (Santiago) - (Portuguese) - Female ann. with Christian (?) music. Male ann. and ID heard, (although not very clear), just before close at 21.00utc / 100kW Tx, target area South America / Sched. 11.00 to 21.00utc - rst:243 - sio:132 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - July 7th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jul 7 21:23
21597.7 kHz AM - 10.40 utc - United Arab Emirates, UAE - (EE) - A programme on Arab history / (Nearest 'listed' freq. for UAE is 21605kHz. It has, however, been noted as being on 21597.63kHz on the - http://www.21mhz.com/ - webpage.) / Full English sched. 10.30 to 10.50utc. - rst:343 - sio:223 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - July 7th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jul 7 11:06
4790 kHz AM - 00.05utc - All India Radio, India (Chennai) - (Tamil) - Rather weak reception, but 'Indian' music heard with male ann. / Listed as being mainly targeted to Sri Lanka, using a 50kW transmitter. ? / (Several parallel transmissions also heard, the strongest being 11985kHz from Khampur - sio:334) / Full 'Tamil' sched. - 00.00 to 00.45utc - rst:233 - sio:122 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - July 7th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jul 7 00:35
15825 - 17:15 - wwcr, usa - (ee) - religous heavy very heavy!!! - 233 - (aor 7030plus - blackpool - 30/6/02)
greg patterson - gregg02 at blueyonder.co.uk -Jun 30 17:17
4985 kHz AM - 01.10 utc - Radio Brazil Central, Brazil (Goiania) (10kW) - (P-Portuguese) - Light music heard, with male ann. / Reasonably clear, apart from atmospheric static. / Just able to confirm station ID using a very weak parallel freq. - 11815kHz (rst:111-'QRM from D.Welle on 11810kHz') - rst:343 - sio:233 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 30 01:47
21520 - 1025z - Radio Finland, Finland - (EE) - Program about tourist attractions in Finland. Good sounding signal. - SIO 344 - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - June 29, 2002)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Jun 29 12:56
3210 kHz - 0442 utc - WWCR Nashville, USA - (EE) - "World Wide Country Radio" ID at 0443 by fem. DJ. Contemporary country music. Full sked: 0100 to 0900 daily. Tx site: Nashville; power 100kW. Targets: eCanada, Maritime Prov.; eUSA; wEu, cEu; nAf; ME. - rst: 44_ - (Sony ICF-SW7600GR on Sony on internal whip antenna. - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 28 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 29 01:08
3985 kHz AM - 21.20 utc - China National Radio 2, China (exact tx loc. not known) - (M-Mandarin) - CNR transmit on many freqs. across the HF spectrum, quite a few of them can be received here in Guernsey. / At time of this reception, CNR2 was playing 'oriental' song and music with a female ann. / I used 2 parallel freqs. (4820 + 6050kHz - similar rst value) to 'cross-check' and confirm authenticity of logging. / This entry interests me as IRRS used to transmit from Milano, Italy on this freq., but no longer appears to anymore?? / Also, I would be interested to know if anybody is aware of where, in China, this transmission originates from.?? (Anybody have any ideas??) - rst:232 - sio:122 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30cm Commtel 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 28th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 28 22:10
21730 - 1100z - VOIRI, Iran - (EE) - Fair reception despite fading and occasional QRM from R. Portugal on 21725. This xmsn is beamed to SE Asia. English sign on at 1100z followed by a man chanting. At 1106z, news items read by a YL interspersed with brief musical selections. - SIO 233 - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - June 28, 2002)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Jun 28 17:55
21755 - 1040z - Radio Japan, Japan - (EE) - Folk tale read by a YL at 1040z, followed by pop music. A commentary about the G8 summit followed at 1051z - SIO 243 - (Kenwood R-1000, 135-foot dipole with tuned feeders - Long Island, NY - June 28, 2002)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Jun 28 17:49
17675 - 0100 - RNZI, New Zealand - (ee) - News, Classical music - 444 - (nrd535d - Texas - 6/28/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 28 01:07
15385 kHz - 0001 utc - R. Exterior de España, Spain - (EE) - "Spanish National Radio." World news w/male and fem. ann. Then "The News from Spain", reporting on the negotiations between Britain and Spain over the sovereignty of Gibraltar. (Was it only 20 years ago that Britain went to war over Argentina's invasion of the Falkland Islands?) "Spain: Day by Day" at 0016: w/pop mx, current wx; "Spanish Sports Page at 0021. ID at 0022, followed by European press review. Then short travel piece on Granada's popularity with artists and exhibition of British painters at 0027. "Africa Today" at 0036. "Spanish course by radio" at 0045. Full sked: 0000 to 0200 (repeats 0000 program at 0100). Tx site: Noblejas; power 350kW. Targets: eCanada, Maritime Prov.; cUSA, eUSA; Mexico; CAm/Carib. - rst: 58_ - (Grundig Sat 800/approx. 70 ft. longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 28 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 28 00:54
17595 kHz - 1725 utc - WEWN Birmingham, USA - (EE) - Short piece on saints at 1725. Then classical music until 1730's "Catholic Jukebox" with contemporary Christian music. "Catholic International Radio" ID at 1728. Tx site: Vandiver, Alabama; power 250kW. Targets: wEu, cEu; nwAf, wAf. - rst: 56_ - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/telescopic whip antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 25 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 27 22:33
15265 - 1705 - Radio Africa Intn'l, U.S.A. - (EE) - United Methodist Church daily EE broadcast to Africa via Germany JUL 100 KW azim. 160 degs. Sked. 1700-1800 UTC with repeat from 1800-1900 UTC. News from Africa with some interludes of music. Today three features on health issues in Africa. Interesting and informative. Sig. tended to build in 2nd hour, peaking ocnly to S8. - 559 - (DX-394C-Hustler 5BTV vert. ant. - Bowmanville.Ont.CA - June 24/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatico.ca -Jun 25 01:28
918 kHz AM - 21.00 utc - Radiotelevizija Slovenija 1, Slovenia (Domzale 300kW) - (SV-Slovenian (assumed) ) - ID (Slovenia) heard just after 21.00utc, followed by what sounded like a news report, then a male ann. with 'classical style' music. / 24hr national BC, - but includes a 5 min. English then German news b'cast at 20.30utc (which I have yet to tune into and hear) / (Actually a 'new' country for my Log Book, but I'm afraid it may be a bit tricky to get this one to far afield, as I know of no HF transmissions ??) - rst:455 - sio:334 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30cm Commtel 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 24th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 24 22:20
11990 kHz AM - 18.35 utc - Radio Kuwait, Kuwait (Sulabiyah) - (EE) - An interesting 3hr daily English broadcast, (18.00 - 21.00utc) including documentaries on the history of Kuwait (etc..), with intervals of light-pop music and News. (More like a 'national' broadcast format. "It makes for good listening.") / Beamed to NAm. and Eu. (500kW) - rst:588 - sio:455 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30cm Commtel 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 23rd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 23 21:01
13740 kHz AM - 18.10 utc - Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam (So'n Tay) - (EE) - The Sunday Show, incl. this week, a report on family structures in Vietnam, followed by a report on drugs. / A cracking signal beamed here to WEu., with just very slight propagation disturbance which appeared to get worse around 18.25utc. / (100kW Tx. pwr. : half hour Eng. sched. 18.00 - 18.30utc) - rst:588 - sio:445 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 23rd, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 23 18:37
6180 kHz AM - 23.00 utc - Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil - (Portuguese) - Music and singing heard. / No definitive ID heard, but able to 'match' reception against parallel freq. 11780kHz (parallel freq. about same strength, but 'heavy' QRM from R.Romania on, 11775kHz) / Broadcasting nationally from Brasilia at 250kW, from 18.00 to 02.00utc / ("Info. nicked from WRTH + Eike Bierwirth's -: BC A02, Comp. SW BC Sched. :- webpage") - rst:233 - sio:212 (var.) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 22nd, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 22 23:46
17510 - 1020 - All India Radio, India - (EE) - Good signal on this freq. Also heard on 17895 though not as well. - SIO 454 - (Kenwood R-1000, 135 foot tuned dipole - Long Island, NY - 06/22/02)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Jun 22 12:08
15210 - 1015 - China Radio Int'l, China - (EE) - Science program at 1015z. Good signal. Also heard well on 11730 kHz. - SIO 454 - (Kenwood R-1000, 135 foot tuned dipole - Long Island, NY - 06/22/02)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Jun 22 12:02
9840 - 1005 - Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam - (EE) - News in english. This freq much better than // 12020 kHz. - SIO 444 - (Kenwood R-1000, 135 foot tuned dipole - Long Island, NY - 06/22/02)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Jun 22 11:58
12015 - 1000z - Voice of Mongolia, Mongolia - (EE) - Interval signal at 0958z, into English news at 1000z. - SIO 333 - (Kenwood R-1000 + 135' TF dipole - Long Island, NY - 06/22/02)
Art, N2AH - n2ah at hotmail.com -Jun 22 11:52
5035 kHz AM - 01.30 utc - Radio Aparecida, Brazil (Aparecida) - (Portuguese) - Weak signal. Only able to clarify station ID by, 'cross-checking' against 2 parallel freqs., 6135* + 9630*kHz (*not as weak, but suffering heavy QRM) / Portuguese lang. recognised, but unable to determine true prog. content. / 'National' BCast, 17.00 to 03.00utc, (but main logged freq. fading into the noise from approx. 02.00) - rst:222 - sio:122 (at best) - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 22nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 22 02:47
9563 - 2315 - Voice of Iraqi People (p), Clandestine to Iraq - (AA?) - Presumed Voice of Iraqi People here,, Alerted by my Brother in Fla. to check frequency.. Checked in Previous Cumbredx Issues and found this listsed here. (I am using new Receiver) - 121 - (Tentec RX-320 w/30 meter lw - Brick, NJ, USA - 20June)
Bob Colyard - slapshot at cybercomm.net -Jun 21 23:55
15135 - 2100 - DW Radio, Germany - (ee) - News of terrorist activites and news link - 545 - (drake r8a - USA - 6/20/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 21 22:18
11690 kHz - 0034 utc - R. Vilnius, Lithuania - (EE) - News and wx. Follwed by piece critical of Russian "imperialism." Pop and folk music ended the program. I.D. "Radio Vilniu, Lithuania" on sign-off. Full sked: 0030 to 0100 daily. Tx site: Sitkunai; power 100kW. Targets: eCanda, Maritime Prov.; eUSA. (Note: Tx site/power and target info from ILG database accessed from Radio Listener's Database Windows frontend.) - rst: 58_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 21 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 21 01:09
11970 kHz - 0030 utc - V. of Islamic Rep. of Iran, Iran - (EE) - I.D. and lead-in in English, then Arabic...call to mosque? Tx site: Kamalabad. Targets: CAm; eUSA. - rst: 57_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 21 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 21 01:02
4976 kHz AM - 20.35 utc - Radio Uganda, Uganda (tx site - Kampala) - (Swahili? Not conf. ) - Although no station ID was heard, R.Uganda, I believe, is the only station to use this freq. at present?? / This station is a 'National' broadcast known as the "Red Channel", transmitting between 13.00 and 21.00utc / Mainly vocal, but African style music was heard on occaisions. / Transmission ceased at 21.00utc. - rst:232 - sio:222 - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 19th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 19 22:49
17580 - 2000-2030 - SRI, Swiss Radio Intl - (ee) - News but to much qrn - 333 - (Drake R8a / long wire - Texas - 6/16/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 16 20:32
15735 - 1900 - V of Russia, Russia - (ee) - News, also of India and Pakstain . - 333 - (Drake R8a / long wire - Texas - 6/16/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 16 19:18
17705 - 1830-1900 - Voice of Greece , Greece - (ee) - lots of music, mix of english and greek a great show. At 1900 went to Greek station is very strong so I suspect it maybe a rebroadcast by someone close by s35dB over 9 - 555 - (Drake R8a / long wire - Texas - 6/16/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 16 19:03
18940 - 1405 - Kabul, Afghanistan - (Pashto) - AM. Afghanistan is back on shortwave. Monitored above freq. this morning. At 1400 UTC sig. was barely audible, and cont. mx from 1540 UTC when sig. became quite readable, about S 3-4. For 20 mins. from 1603 to 1623 talk by man and woman, followed by more mx. During this period sig. was S5-6. For further info, see WWDXC Website, top News for June 11/02 - Var. - (ATS 818, reel ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - June 14/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatico.ca -Jun 14 19:28
7210.3 kHz AM - 22.50 utc - ORTV du Benin, Benin (tx site Cotonou) - (French?) - "Office de Radiodiffusion et Television du Benin", broadcasts 'nationally' from 16.00 to 23.00utc, at 30kW, in french and local dialects. / At time of reception, the station was broadcasting a mix of MOR music, with female ann. / B'cast shut down at, 23.01 - rst:233 - sio:112 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June, 13th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 13 23:19
6060 kHz AM - 00.04 utc - RAI International, Italy - (EE) - 3 minute News broadcast in Eng., followed by further 3 min. news b'casts in various languages. / Eng. sched. 00.03 to 00.06utc / Presumed incl. target , Eu. / 2x parallel MW freqs. 900kHz and 1332kHz also rec'd but with QRM. / (Not 100% sure of Tx. sites - originating presumably from Italy?) - rst:477 - sio:444 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 13th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 13 16:50
11990 kHz - 1817 utc - R. Kuwait, Kuwait - (EE) - Islamic preaching w/occ. music. Little slice of pop music at 1828. I.D. "R. Kuwait" at 1829. Regional news at 1830. Full sked: 1800 to 2100 daily. Tx site: Sulaibiyah; power 500kW. Targets: wUSA, cUSA, eUSA; wEu, cEu. - rst: 46_ - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/Sony AN-LP1 active antenna. - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 11 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 11 19:24
11765 kHz - 0109 utc - BBC World Service, United Kingdom - (EE) - News, "The World Today." Main news item discussion of al-Quaeda suspect apprehended, plotting "dirty bomb" attack on U.S. Prevention of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa conference at 0524. Followed by "Network Africa" 0530 w/female ann. Full sked: 0500 to 0700 daily. Tx site: Meyerton, South Africa; power 250kW. Targets: wAf, cAf, swAf. - rst: 44_ - (Sony ICF-SW7600GR on Sony AN-LP1 active antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 11 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 11 05:30
17595 - 0100 - VoR, Russia - (ee) - News bulletin - 555 - (Yeasu frg kiwa filters - USA - 6/10/2002)
r - xxxxxx at xxxxxxxxx.xxx -Jun 11 01:08
5029 (5030?) kHz AM - 01.45 utc - (re.'Unidentified') University Network?, USA - (EE) - With ref. to my previous 'unidentified' entry (Jun.8.02), I now believe it to be the 'University Network', with 'Dr. Gene Scott', transmitting to the Caribean, Europe and N.Africa, using their Tx. # 4. (20kW - from Costa Rica) / WRTH, mention this in their 'station by freq.' list, as being 5029 v, (variable freq.) / In reality, a truly accurate entry, should read, '5029.05 kHz AM'. (But I'm not going to 'split hairs'.) / Mainly Bible ministry and occ. 'Gospel' singing heard here. - rst:242 - sio:222 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 9th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 9 02:16
5030 kHz AM - 21.25 utc - Radio Burkina, Burkina Faso (W.Africa) - (French) - 'Radiodiffusion Nationale du Burkina', transmit nationally from Ouagadougou, Tx pwr not known. / This sched. broadcast from 18.20 to 23.59utc, consisted mainly of light song and music. / ID was confirmed just prior to close, at 23.58utc. - rst:445 - sio:234 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 9 00:30
6015 kHz AM - 15.45 utc - The Overcomer Ministry (Brother Stair), USA (via Julich Ger.) - (EE) - Brother Stair is, at this time, being held in custudy for crimes which he has not yet been proven guilty of. However, various ministers continue to preach the Word of God in his absence, with the usual 'power' expected of this station. / The full sched. for this Eu. Tx. is 15.00 - 18.00utc, saturday only. - rst:589 - sio:545 - (Panasonic RF-B45 (portable) - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static-mobile) - June 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 8 23:18
12689.5 kHz USB - 03.26 utc - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, USA (Key West, Florida) - (EE) - Confirmed only by presetting and comparing against previous AFRTS entry (6458.5 kHz), very weak and totally unusable here at this time. - rst:111 - sio:111 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 8 22:19
6458.5 kHz USB - 03.25 utc - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, USA (Puerto Rico) - (EE) - AFRTS (or AFN - American Forces Network), exists to provide US Navy vessels and outlying military posts, with a radio service, which, otherwise, would be unavailable to them. / Difficult to receive very clearly, but this transmission included a discussion on the very delicate and disturbing topic of child abuse. / 24-hour transmission. - rst:122 - sio:121 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 8 22:08
9755 kHz AM - 03.08 utc - Radio Monte Carlo, Monaco (via Canada relay) - (Arabic) - Listed as Arabic, station ID heard at approx. 03.10utc. Full sched. here: 03.00 to 03.20utc. (Unable to comment on programme content.) - rst:476 - sio:434 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Islands. (UK) - June 8th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 8 21:41
5690 - night time after 0000 utc - ships, usa - (ee) - usualy hear ship asking for a phone patch - - ( dx 402 - - every night)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Jun 8 18:18
5696 ssb - at night - ships , usa - (ee) - if any one has freq for ship or aircraft email me at steven308 at cityofniles.com and let me no - - (dx 402 - - all most every night)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Jun 8 18:12
5029 kHz AM - 02.45 utc - (Unidentified?) , USA (California) ? - (EE) - From what I could hear, this station is basically Christian. The signal was very weak and reception very poor, although I did hear mention of 'California' when an address and telephone numbers were spoken of. This was followed by Christian ministry. (Any info. would be appreciated - thanks) - rst:242 - sio:212 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 8 17:21
17580 kHz - 1245 utc - R. Netherlands, Netherlands - (Indonesian?) - "Radio Netherlands Internationale" ID at 1258 by female ann. Spoken language, all by males. Began at rst: 44_, but reduced by heavy fading at 1300. Tx site: Telata-Volondry, Madagascar; power 200kW. Targets: PapNG; Indonesia. - rst: 34_ - (Grundig Sat 800/approx. 70 ft. longwire - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 08 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 8 13:13
9490 kHz - 0230 - R. Sweden, Sweden - (EE) - News. Followed by brief discussion about adoption by gay couples. Then discussion of economic issues in Sweden. Full sked: 0230 to 0300 daily. Tx site: Sackville, Canada (relay); 250kW. Targets: eUSA, cUSA; CAm/Carib. - rst: 58_ - (Sony ICF-SW7600GR on Sony AN-LP1 active antenna - Springfield, Massachusetts, USA - 08 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 8 02:51
9795 kHz - 0221 utc - Wales Radio Int'l, Wales, UK - (EE) - Interview by female ann. w/young boy about traditional Welsh food. Followed by string folk music at 0226. ID "Wales Radio Int'l" at 0229; "Celtic notes." Full sked: 0200 to 0230, Sat. only. Tx site: Rampisham; power 500kW. Targets: eCanada, Maritime Prov.; eUSA, cUSA; Mexico; CAm/Carib. - rst: 58_ - (Sony ICF-SW7600GR on Sony AN-LP1 active antenna - Springfield, Mass., USA - 08 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 8 02:41
6040 kHz AM - 01.00 utc - BBC World Service, United Kingdom - (EE) - As logged by Bucky Hydal (0104utc June 7th), I am also unable to find any ref. to the BBC W/S on this freq. / Prior to the opening of this transm. 'Radio Clube Paranaense' was heard from Brazil. At 01.00utc, however, 'RCP' was lost under this transmission, but before the BBC identification was heard, a brief ann. actually cut in and stated 'R. Canada Int.'??? / My only guess could be that DWelle is, for some reason, relaying this broadcast ? (Note also that DWelle are not relaying the BBC on any of their other parallel Eng. transmissions for this time period.) ?? Any ideas anybody ? - rst:456 - sio:334 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 8 01:42
15580 // 17895 - 2000 - VOA, USA - (ee) - news and orphans - 555 - (drake r8a - USA - 6/7/2002)
R - xxxxxx at xxxxxxxxx.xxx -Jun 7 20:22
17735 - 2000 - SRI, Swiss Radio Intl - (ee) - news, american art - 555 - (Drake R8a / long wire - USA - 6/7/2002)
R - xxx at xxxxxxx.xxx -Jun 7 20:19
8845 - all day - aircraft, usa - (ee) - in sb - - (dx - 402 - - every day)
steven308 - steven308 at cityofniles.com -Jun 7 15:29
6200 kHz - 0215 utc - R. Prague, Czech Republic - (Spanish) - Spoken Spanish until classical opera music, "Carmen", at 0222. "Radio Prague" i.d. at 0227. Full sked: 0200 to 0227. Tx Site: Litomysl; power 100kW. Targets: cUSA, eUSA; Maritime Provinces; Canada - rst: 45_ - (Sony ICF-SW7600GR on Sony AN-LP1 active antenna - Springfield, Mass., USA - 07 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 7 02:32
6040 kHz AM - 0104 utc - BBC World Service, United Kingdom - (EE) - ID at 0104. News. "One Planet" at 0106, looking at alternative energy sources; wind power. "And Then He Kissed Me", a series of romantic reminiscences over the last 50 years, 0130. Full sked: ??. TX site: ??. Target: ??. This logging is interesting because I can't find a frequency schedule on the BBC WS site or my databases that list 6040 kHz as an active freq for BBC WS. In fact, another powerhouse, R. Deutsche Welle usually resides on this freq at this time. Signal dropped off completely at 0145. - rst: 58_ - (Sony ICF-SW7600GR on Sony AN-LP1 active antenna - Springfield, Mass., USA - 07 JUN 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Jun 7 01:45
15410 kHz AM - 21.50 utc - Voice of America, USA (relay via Morocco) - (EE) - English to Africa broadcast, with a 'round-up' of top music from the 'pop' charts. / Full Eng. sched. 16.00 to 22.00utc / Signal drowned out at 21.58, by Deutsche Welle, opening their, Ger. Lang., transmission from Antigua to - 'N.America?' - rst:456 - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 6th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 6 22:36
15515 kHz AM - 21.40utc - Radio Free Asia, USA, (Northern Mariana Isles.?) - (Mandarin) - Strongest of several parallel freq. (13625 + 11935 + 11740 + 11700kHz / all rec. with var. 'rst'. and var. sched. Tx. times, all ending at 22.00utc.) / Continuous 'oriental' music being played at time of Rx. 'No speach.' - rst:577 - sio:445 - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 4th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 4 22:22
13660 usb - 2100 - Radio Havana, Cuba - (ee) - Newa, sports boxing - 555 - (Drake R8a - etexas - 6/4/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 4 21:06
15735 - 1915 - VOR, Russia - (ee) - Station quite weak but was able to id them by the announcers voice reading news. - 342 - (Drake R8a - etexas - 6/4/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 4 19:16
15615 - 1900 - KOL , Isreal - (ee) - News of more terrorism and what will be done. - 323 - (Drake R8a - etexas - 6/4/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 4 19:12
13640 - 1830 - RTE, Ireland - (ee) - world cup with scores - 555 - (nrd535d - Texas - 5/31/02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 4 01:36
9665 // 9725 //11825 - 0100 - VoR, Russia - (ee) - news, Commonwealth update, - 555 - (r1051b/urr long wire - Texas - 6/3/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 4 01:32
5925 kHz AM - 21.15 utc - Fang Guang Ming Radio, 'China,' (Lithuanian relay) - (Mandarin ?) - Clandestine station operated by 'Falun Gong' members, based in the USA and active since July 2000. / Also known as 'Great Brightness Radio'. / This broadcast mainly vocal (female at time of logging), with 'Chinese' background music. / Parallel freq. (Russian, Armavir relay) 9945kHz, similar rst, also heard, although broadcasting approx. 45 seconds in advance of main log entry. - rst:578 - sio:455 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copperwire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 3rd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 3 22:36
12000 - 2200 - V of Turkey, Turkey - (ee) - News a good place to get news from the mideast - 555 - (r1051b/urr long wire - Texas - 6/3/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 3 22:15
7315 - 0630 - World Harvest Radio, Indiana, USA - (EE) - Religious program discussing trust and establishing a relationship with God. The Devil has no control over your life and people must learn to turn to God. The program was "Listen to Jesus" - - (Satellit 800 - - June 2, 2002-NYC,USA)
Peter - Pmennona10 at hotmail.com -Jun 3 06:49
5950 kHz AM - 03.10 utc - CBS Radio Taipei International , Taiwan (via: WYFR - Okeechobee, USA) - (EE) - News programme untill 03.15utc. / Targeted to NAm. / Full sched. 02.00 to 04.00utc / (CBS = Central Broadcasting System) - sio:334 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 2nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 2 03:41
7477 kHz* AM - 02.30 utc - Voice of Greece, Greece (targeted to Eu. + NAm.) - (Greek) - Generally listed as transmitting on 7475 kHz, (or in one case 7477.5 kHz), this station is actually being received here on exactly 7477 kHz. / 2 parallel freq. - 5865 and 9420 kHz, also received. / Greek song and music being played at time of reception. - sio:444 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - June 2nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jun 2 02:48
12000 - 2230 - V of Turkey, Turkey - (ee) - A history progam I think but Lots of transmitter noice on any recever I use. - 443 - (Hallicrafters sx100 - Texas - 6/1/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 1 22:41
15615 - 1900 - KOL , Israel - (ee) - News of more terror attacks - 343 - (Drake R8a - etexas - 6/1/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -Jun 1 19:04
15825 kHz AM - 19.50 utc - World Wide Christian Radio, USA (Nashville, Tennesse) - (EE) - One of 4 transmitters, (this being Tr. no. 1), transmitting 100kW at 46-deg., direct from Nash.Ten. (Main target not known) / Childrens Christian prog. called 'Daily Storytime' was being broadcast at time of Rx. / Full Eng. sched. 11.00 to 22.00utc. - sio:224 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 31st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 31 20:42
9630 kHz AM - 13.25 utc - Radio Mellannyland, Finland (Pori ?) - (Swedish?) - This 'regional', 'local' FM station, relay on 'HF' using, I believe, YLE R.Finland's transmitter, (Thursdays only). Other, 'similar' stations, use the relay on other days. / Station ID was announced by a female just before 13.30utc. Othewise, speach and 'popish' style music was heard. / Tx. sched. (thur.) 13.00 to 14.00utc. - rst:598 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static-mobile) - May 3th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 30 22:46
25820 kHz AM - 12.10 utc - Radio France International, France (Issoudun) - (EE?) - Very weak signal, often lost in the noise, only able to pick out the odd English word. Able, however, to compare transmission against parallel freq. 15540khz, esp. when occ. music was played. (TX also weak, rst:111). / RFI are, I believe, the only station to use this freq. (and pos. waveband - '11m' ) ?? / This is the highest 'HF' freq. used, at present, by any international broadcast station that I know of. (The target being Africa.) / This Eng. sched. 12.00 to 12.30utc. - rst:111 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 30th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 30 22:23
21550 kHz AM - 22.30 utc - Voz Cristiana, Chile (Santiago) - (Spanish) - Spanish-LatinAmerican style music and song; station ID heard by female ann. at approx. 22.43utc / Signal strength fading gradually towards 23.00utc / Parallel freq. 17680kHz also heard with similar sig. strength, but not fading. - sio:123 - 'rst:224' - (Icom IC-R75 - 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 29th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 29 23:06
13675 kHz AM - 19.45 utc - UAE - Radio Dubai, United Arab Emirates - (Arabic) - Arabic music with female ann. / Parallel freq. 11945kHz heard also, higher level of QRM / Full Arabic sched. 16.35 - 20.50 utc - sio:322 - 'rst:254' - (Icom IC-R75 - 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 29th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 29 20:34
11960 // 12000 - 2200-2300 - Voice of Turkey, Turkey - (ee) - 1200 the better of the two freqs lots of news. - 544 - (r1051b/urr long wire - etexas - 5/27/02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 27 23:38
15135 - 2100 - DW Radio, Germany - (ee) - News link and the rise of anti Jewish feelings in Germany and the EU - 555 - (r1051b/urr long wire - Texas - 5.27.02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 27 21:24
17675 - 0300 - RNZI, New Zealand - (ee) - Music proir to top of the Hour at 0300 utc Voice id and news. - 455 - (Drake R8a - Texas - 5.27/02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 27 03:03
5745 - 0200 - ????, USA - (ee) - Poltics and religion ???? - 555 - (Drake r8 long wire - Texas - 5/27/02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 27 02:04
5975 // 11835 //12095 - 0200 - BBC\WS, England - (ee) - Music, news etc - 555 - (Drake R8a - e.texas - 5/27/02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 27 02:00
21795 kHz AM - 05.45 utc - Radio Thailand, Thailand (targeted to Eu.?) - (EE) - Band music followed by Buisiness News at time of Rx. / Full Eng. sched. 05.30 to 06.00utc / (Note that the transmitters used by R.Thailand, are also used by VOA) - sio:344 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 25th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 25 11:58
1386 kHz AM - 20.30 utc - Voice of Russia (WS), Russia (Kaliningrad) - (EE) - As an update for my entry dated April 27th, 2002, it has now been confirmed that the transmission is coming from Kaliningrad (and not from Kalatch as previously reported). / For any non Shortwave Listener in the UK (or W.Eu.) who may be reading this and are curious to receive Voice of Russia, this English transmission (between 19.00 and 21.00utc) can be received easily on any standard mediumwave (AM) radio. - sio:445 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - (using 'inbuilt' aerial only) - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (portable) - May 22nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 22 21:08
171 kHz - - (Medi 1, correction), - () - Sorry, LW Tx. beam should read East across N.Af. (not West). - (Only 180.deg. out. You don't want to be around me when I'm playing darts.) - - ( - - )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 20 21:42
171 kHz AM - 23.30 utc - Medi 1, (R. Mediterranee Internationale), Morocco, (Nador) - (Arabic + French) - Sched. 05.00 to 01.00utc / Semi 'domestic' station, with both national and international transmissions. / The LW transmission logged here, beams 2000kW, West across N.Africa and the Med. / A parallel HF 250kW transm., 9575kHz (mainly used here to confirm reliability of main log.) is targeted further afield, (incl. Eu.) - and is rec. here 'sio:555'. / Content of prog. at time of Rx. was mainly a variety of music + song. (African style incl.) / "I am curious to know if either of these transm. reach across to America, esp. the LW Tx." ?? - sio:111 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 19th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 20 21:18
17610 kHz AM - 17.51 utc - RFE/RL (Radio Free Iraq), Greece - (Arabic) - Iraq service of Radio Liberty. / Arabic, mainly speech, but occ. music/song. (Sched. 17.00 to 19.00utc) / QRM from Portugal on 17615kHz / 2x parallel freq., 9575kHz (from Juelich) + 11805kHz (from Lampertheim), also rec. - rst:335 - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 19th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 19 18:07
11980 - 1230 - China Radio International, China - (EE) - External service to SE Asia in english. Half Grayline path with some polar flutter. News and music. Good copy. 1300z sign off. - 58 - (R71A and EWE antenna - Milwaukee, WI - 19 May 02)
John WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -May 19 12:54
5950 - 313 - Radio Taipei International, ? - (EE) - AM - - (ICF 7600G - Long Island, NY - 5/19/2002)
Ryan - N/A -May 19 03:44
10330 kHz AM - 01.30 utc - Vividh Bharati (AIR New Delhi), India - (Hindi) - A 'domestic' shortwave station, this the 'Entertainment Channel', being broadcast from one of a pos. four transmitters in India. / Found more by luck than judgement, as I do not normally stray so far from the standard BC bands. / At the time of reception, typical Indian style music was being played, with a female ann. (No. I haven't got a clue what she was saying. I must have missed Hindi lessons at school for some reason.) / Rx faded more into the noise at around 02.00utc. - rst:132 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 19th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 19 02:08
11650 kHz AM (sync USB) - 1225 utc - R. Australia, Australia - (EE) - "The Spirit of Things", discussion of Mary Magdelene and her role in the Gospels, followed by talk of Jezebel. Wk/rdbl w/background fading. Full sked: 1100 to 1700. (Also rdbl on 9580 kHz until 1230 abruptly faded to unrdbl.) Tx site: Shepparton; power 100kW. Targets: Japan; PapNG; Vanuatu/NewCaled; Hawaii; Tonga, Samoa; Fr. Polynesia. - rst: 43_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 18 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 18 12:46
11995 kHz - 0400 - R. France Int'l, France - (FR) - French lang. bdcst. Full sked: 0300 to 0500. Je ne parle pas francais, so can't report progam content. "Radio France Internationale" i.d. at 0429. Tx site: Issoudon; power 500kW. Targets: neAf; ME; eAf; seAf. Probably catching a waning last hop of this 500kW transmission. (Also on 15155 kHz to eAf and cAf at 500kW.) - rst: 44_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 18 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 18 04:30
11705 kHz USB - 0236 utc - R. Havana Cuba, Cuba - (EE) - News and features with an anti-American slant. Full sked: 0100 to 0500. (also on 6000 kHz, gd/rdbl w/sync, and 9820 kHz, wk/brly rdbl). Tx site: La Habana; power 20kW. Targets: eUSA; Maritime Prov.; Scandanavia; wEu. - rst: 45_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 18 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 18 02:46
11960 kHz AM - 0333 utc - R. HCJB, Ecuador - (EE) - Discussion about ancient library in Alexandria and Greek translation of Bible w/expert professor from S. Africa; very interesting. "Science, Scripture, and Salvation" at 0345. Tx site: Quito-Pifo; power 100kW. Targets: wUSA, cUSA, eUSA: Mexico. - rst: 57_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 17 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 17 03:48
7305 kHz aM - 0255 utc - Vatican Radio, Vatican State - (EE) - News: Catholic view on "displaced peoples" and cloning of human baby. "Marian apparitions" at 0305. Fading on the DX-398 highlights lack of sync detector. Full sked: 0250 to 0310. Tx site: St. Maria Galeria; power 500kW. Targets: eCanada, Maritime Prov.; cUSA, eUSA; Mexico; CAm/Carib. Also on 9605 w/reduced readability to same targets at 250kW. - rst: 47_ - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/Sony AN-LP1 amplied loop antenna. - Springfield, Mass., USA - 17 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 17 03:11
9665 kHz AM - 0223 utc - V. of Russia, Russia - (EE) - "Science and Engineering"; discussion of far side of the moon. "News in Brief" at 0230. "Russian by Radio" at 0231. Tx site: Kishinev-Grigoriopol; power 500kW. Targets: eUSA; Maritime Prov.; Mexico; CAm; Carib. - rst: 46_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 17 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 17 02:35
9400 - 0201 utc - R. Bulgaria, Bulgaria - (EE) - News bulletin. Followed by music ("Summertime") at 0208. "Events and Developments" at 0210, Bulgaria participation in NATO. Full sked: 0200 to 0300. Tx site: Plovdiv; power 500kW. Targets: eCanada, Maritime Provinces; cUSA, eUSA. - rst: 45_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 17 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 17 02:14
5930 kHz AM - 0106 utc - R. Slovakia Int'l, Slovakia - (EE) - "Slovakia Today." Full sked: 0100 to 0127. Tx site: Rimavska Sobota; power 250kW. Targets: cUSA, USA; Maritime Provinces; Mexico. Also heard on 6190 kHz with same readability, power and targets, and 9440 kHz w/reduced readability, same power, and targeted to sAm. - rst: 57_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 17 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 17 01:17
17830 - 2030 - BBC, England - (ee) - News Hour - 455 - (Drake R8a - Texas - 5.16.2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 16 20:30
15000 - 1800 - WWV, usa - (ee) - Time station - 555 - (Hallicrafters sx100 - etexas - 5.16.2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 16 19:53
15580 - 1900 - VOA, USA - (ee) - News, and world of music Jazz. Good show - 555 - (Hallicrafters - etexas - 5/16/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 16 19:51
549 kHz AM - 13.30 utc - United Christian Broadcasters, Ireland - (EE) - UCB (in this case 'Inspirational') are unable to obtain a broadcasting license to transmit national programming in the UK. Which means, for the moment at least, that UCB may only be received in the UK, via satellite, or, as in this case, from transmitters in Ireland. The transmissions, however, are not targeted into the UK. / This reception was an afternoon show, being presented by Anne Henderson, and included Christian music and ministry. 'Noticeboard', was heard at 13.40utc. - rst:334 - (Philips DC-562 car-radio - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (mobile) - May 16th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 16 17:38
9730 - 0450 - China Radio Int., China via French Guiana - (EE) - Because the end of this scheduled 1 hour broadcast signed off at approximately 0454 UTC, I can't comment on the content of the broadcast. However, the signal was very good. - - (Satellit 800 - - May 16, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 16 05:02
12085 kHz AM - 20.10 utc - Radio Damascus, Syria, (Eu. trans) - (EE) - International news programme was followed at 20.25utc by a musical interlude, with a more detailed 'News ans Views' programme at 20.30utc. / Full Eu. English sched. 20.05 to 21.05utc / Parallel freq. 13610kHz also heard, but with more QRM / Overall, the station was perfectly readable, however, the audio quality was a little low. - rst:574 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static-mobile) - May 15th, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 15 23:08
15205 kHz AM - 18.48 utc - R. Great Jamahiriya* (Broadcasting), Libya (pos. French relay?) - (Arabic) - Arabic singing heard at time of Rx. With male speaking ann. / Information being scarce on this station, I would be greatful for any corrections or further info. / 2x parallel freq. helped ID - 15660 and 17695kHz (similar 'rst' to main log) / Station may also be known as, 'Voice of Africa'? / *Just out of interest, I believe that 'Jamahiriya', means, 'Government through the masses' ?? - rst:446 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles (UK) - (static-mobile) - May 15th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 15 22:29
5950 - 0312 - CBS RADIO TAPEI INTL, Taiwan - (EE) - Today's stock report. Weather report followed by 45 minutes of news,"Taiwan Today." Water shortage is top story. The program will end with with Chinese language instruction. - - (Satellit 800 - - May 14, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M. - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 15 03:21
9880 kcs AM - 22.23z - China Radio International, China (relayed via Russia to Eu.) - (EE) - News programme with a report on Treasury Bonds at time of Rx. / Full sched. 22.00 - 23.00utc - rst:588 - (Zenith : Trans-Oceanic Royal '3000-1' with 1.3m telescopic ant. / Note: "More a test for the old receiver than a reception report. It needs a bit of a 'clean-up', but at least it still works." - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 14th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 14 22:43
17830 kHz AM - 0805 utc - BBC World Service, Great Britain - (EE) - Interview with first astronaut from continent of Africa. Followed by discussion of women's taste for porn movies. Quickly faded to no signal at 0815. Full sked: 0800 to 2100. Targets: wAf, cAf, swAf. - rst: 44_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 14)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 14 08:41
9450 - 0740 - WSHB , Cypress Creek, S. Carolina-USA - (EE) - "Centinal Radio":Program targeted to W. Africa. Christian Science Radio Various individuals giving testimonials about the power of prayer over illness. Bill Moody talks about how people can heal for themselves. Mr. Moody claims that thirty years ago a friend gave hin a book, Science And Health, and "his sense of God grew from that point." - - (Satellit 800 - - May 14, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 14 08:01
11680 - 0601 - HCJB,"The Voice Of the Andes", Quito, Ecuador - (EE) - :"Studio 9",Lead stories: US and Russia agree on nuclear arms reduction. US continues to accuse Cuba of developing Bio-weapons while Pres. Jimmy Carter meets with Fidel Castro. "Futbol fever" has taken over Quito, Ecuador; as they have qualified for the World Cup finals for the first time ever. Ecuador's leaders are taking their vacations early to watch games that air at 1:00 AM, Ecuador time, to watch games from Korea and Japan live. Italy, Croatia and Mexico are expected to create a great challenge. The individual interviewed said, "it will take a miracle" for Ecuador to move to the second round, but there is currently a very festive atmosphere in Ecuador. The games will take place in the early part of June. - - (Satellit 800 - - May 14, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -May 14 06:23
6110 - 0542 - Radio Japan/NHK, via Sackville Canada - (EE) - (Program 44 minutes) Radio Japan, "News Commentary": the Scientific Council of Japan and its role and responsibilities. Can they be trusted to protect the environment and make decisions on bioethics? It's chaired by the Japanese Prime Minister and is sometimes accused of being too poltical. A female announcer then introduced a contemporary Japanese pop song. "Asia Watch" segment to follow. Indian parliament celebrated its 50th anniversary as a "vibrant democracy." A second US warship arrives in Sri Lanka. More Japanese music and sports report. - - (Satellit 800 - - May 14, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -May 14 05:59
9870 kHz AM - 0130 utc - R. Austria Int'l, Austria - (EE) - News and sports followed by "Report from Austria." Male and female readers alternate on national feature stories. ID at lead-in and again at 0137. Full sked: 0130 to 0200. Tx site: Moosbrunn; power 300kW. Targets: eCanada and Maritime Provinces. eUSA, cUSA. - rst:: 58_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 14 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 14 01:42
(15759.9)* kHz AM - 20.15 utc - KOL Israel (Voice of Israel), Israel - (Hebrew) - *(listed as 15760 kHz, perhaps I'm "splitting hairs" here, but I'm not sure what tollerence is allowed on international broadcast level?) / Israel transmit Hebrew on this freq. for most of the day, but only between May and August. (After that I believe they 'may' only transmit 06.00 to 19.00utc) / During my reception here, content was mainly vocal, but occaisional MOR ('Popular English') songs were played, with news at 21.00utc / 3x Parallel freqs. also heard 17535, 15640 and 11585kHz (var.rst) - (all more accurate than the main log) - rst:467 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 13th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 13 21:19
13720 - 0100 - DW Radio, Germany - (ee) - News etc - - (Drake R8a - e.texas - 5/12/02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 12 02:04
9665 - 0200 - VOR, Russia - (ee) - News etc - - (Drake R8a - e.texas - 5/12/02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 12 02:02
6120 + 11755 kHz AM - 07.15 utc - Radio Keski-Suomi, Finland (Tx loc., Pori, 'presumed') - (Finnish) - Both freq. approx. = in RST rating. / This station appears to be a Finnish local/regional 'VHF-FM' service, being relayed on shortwave. It seems probable that YLE Radio Finland transmitters are being used for this, saturday only, broadcast. (sched. from 07.00 to 08.30utc) / At time of Rx. 'Finnish' POP/MOR music was being played, with male + female ann. - rst:466 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK)-(static-mobile) - May 11th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 11 11:04
7275 kHz AM - 04.46 utc - RTT Radio Tunis, Tunisia - (Arabic) - Very pleasent Arabic type music and song being transmitted at time of Rx., with male and female ann. / (sched. 04.00 to 07.00utc) / 2 x weaker parallel freq. 12005 + 9720kHz also rec. / (sched. differs from main log, as both parallel freq. closed at 05.00utc) - rst:577 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static-mobile) - May 11th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 11 10:40
9795 kHz AM - 02.01 utc - Wales Radio International, Wales - (EE) - WRI relay through the World Radio Network, using transmitters in Rampisham UK, owned by Merlin Communications. / This N.American transmission, is one of three weekly half hour broadcasts in English. Two others are transmitted, one to Europe, and one to Australasia. (See - wri.cymru.net - for details). / Included this week in the 'Celtic Notes' programme, was a report on Three Farms organic milk. / Full sched. 02.00 to 02.30utc saturday only. - rst:577 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 11th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 11 03:00
9560 kHz AM - 01.15 utc - Radio Budapest, Hungary - (EE) - Full Eng. sched. - 01.00 to 01.30utc, targeted to N.America / Daily magazine programme called, 'Hungary Today', followed by 'DX Corner', including the full list of English broadcast schedules of R.Budapest. - rst:588 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 11th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 11 02:17
9875 kHz AM - 23.53 utc - Radio Vilnius, Lithuania (Kaunas-Sitkunai) - (EE) - English sched. to N.America - 23.30 to 23.59utc / Talking about the popularity of hot air ballooning in Lithuania. Apparantly the first hot air balloon in the country went up in the early 19th century, and some poor local peasant thought it was a decending devil. - rst:477 - (Icom IC-R75 - with Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 10th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 11 00:34
17660 kHz AM - 21.05 utc - HCJB (Voice of the Andes), Ecuador (Quito) - (target to Eu.) - (EE) - ''Heralding Christ Jesus' Blessings''. ('Adopted' name for initials, HCJB) / Reception of the 20.00 to 22.00utc Eu. 'release', has improved somewhat since the beginning of the A02 period. / 'Walking in the Sunshine', with presenter Ben Cummings, heard untill 21.30utc. Followed by 'Truth for Life', Christian fare with Joni and Friends. - rst:556 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 10th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 10 23:21
11720 kHz AM - 2125utc - V. of America, USA - (FR) - French languabe bdcst (content unknown). Copied VOA sign-off with Yankee Doodle signature music (all over BBC's bells (St. Paul's?) lead-in to "Calling the Falklands" which begins prematurely at 2129). Full sked: 2100 to 2130. Tx site: Tangier-Briech; power 250kW. Targets: nwAf, wAf, swAf, sAf. - rst: 33_ - (Grundig Satillit 800 - Springfield, Mass., USA - 10 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 10 21:43
13685 - 1035 - Voice International, Australia - (EE) - News, comment, wx and mx to 1100 UTC then s/o and shift to 13635 Khz which I monitored until 1300 UTC, all EE. Also EE on 13775 Khz from 1000 - 1100 UTC, but program was different stream than on 13685 Khz. - 569 - (ATS-818, reel ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - May 10/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatico,ca -May 10 16:51
11655 kHz - 0305utc - V. of Turkey, Turkey - (EE) - News. Followed by "Review of the Turkish Press." "Writing Contest for 2002" at 0311. "Turkey: A Haven for Tourists" at 0313. Tx site: Emirler; power 500kW. Targets: eCanada; Greenland; wUSA, cUSA; Mexico; Scandanavia; wEu, cEu. - rst: 58_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 10 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 10 03:14
6115 kHz - 0146utc - R. Tirana, Albania - (EE) - "News" followed by "European Press Review." Also on 7160 kHz w/slightly weaker signal. Tx site: Cerrik; power 100kW. Targets: cUSA, eUSA. - rst: 47_ - (Grundig Sat 800/approx. 70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 10 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 10 01:54
15565 kHz AM - 2250utc - R. Vlaanderen Int'l, Belgium - (EE) - Discussion of diamond trading in Antwerp. Followed by music at 2254. Flemish language at 2255 and music. Tx site: Neth. Antilles; power 250kW. Target: nAM.. - 47_ - (Grundig Sat 800/approx. 70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 09 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 9 23:00
9960 kHz AM - 19.58 utc - Voice of Armenia, Armenia (target Eu.) - (EE) - I always seem to catch Armenia just before they close. This daily (excl. sunday) Eng. broadcast is scheduled from 19.40 to 20.00utc / The program I missed was, 'Panorama' and involved Armenian Church music. / A parallel freq. of 4810kHz was also heard (target not known, but weaker signal). - rst:588 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 9th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 9 22:42
12170 - 1800 - WWRB, USA - (ee) - Alex Jones talk show with his arrogant anti American show a real traitor. - - (r1051b/urr long wire - Texas - 5-9-02)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 9 18:40
17545 kHz AM - 10.30 utc - KOL Israel (Voice of Israel), Israel (target Eu.) - (EE) - Brief English news transmission (10.30 to 10.35utc), mainly covering events in the Middle East. / Parallel freq. 15640kHz also heard, though very noisy (suprisingly weak in signal strength) - rst:476 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 9th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 9 10:53
17675 kHz AM - 0325 utc - Radio New Zealand Int'l, New Zealand - (EE) - Discussion of DRM (DIGITAL radio mondiale), the future of AM radio (http://www.drm.org/indexdeuz.htm). Pretty impressive demo of digital radio over shortwave. Followed by music at 0330, sports discussion at 0338 about bomb blast in Karachi and near involvement of NZ cricket team. Full sked: 2051 to 0458 utc daily. Tx site: Rangitaki; power 50kW (bi-directional). Targets: wUSA; Hawaii; Tonga, Samoa; French Polynesia. - 56_ - (Grundig Sat 800/approx. 70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 09 MAY 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 9 03:50
6150 kHz AM - 23.05 utc - Singapore BC (News Radio 93.8), Singapore (Kranji) Beamed to W.Malaysia - (EE) - High level of QRM made me have to concentrate hard to pick out details. (Still, it's a fair distance for the signal to carry on 49m, I suppose.) - (Switching to LSB and 'trimming' the PBT helped) / News, local travel and weather reports heard, and also a time check at 07.20 (local time in Singapore). / ID was confirmed with several references to, 'News Radio 938' and 'Media-corp-radio', together with the time-check. / Radio Japan on 6145kHz (Canada relay), swamped 'SBC' at 00.00utc. - rst:224 (var.) - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 9 00:34
15385 kHz AM - 0000utc - Radio Exterior de España, Spain - (EE) - News. Followed by "Spain: Day by Day." Loud and clear. ID at 0014 utc. Tx site: Noblejas; power 350kW. Targets: eCanada; cUSA, eUSA,; Maritime Provinces; Mexico; cAM/Carib. (NOTE: The reception date for my RAI entry below should be 07 MAY 02.) - 589 - (Grundig Sat 800/approx. 70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 08 May 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 9 00:22
15265 kHz AM - 2204utc - RAI Int'l - Radio Roma, Italy - (EE) - Recorded birdsong as a lead in (Cheers, Robin!). Followed by shortwave frequencies and staion ID, "Radio Roma." Some news and then balance of program music. Weak/barely readable. Full sked: 2205 to 2230utc. Tx site: Roma. Target: Japan - 33_ - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/telescopic whip antenna - Avon Lake, Ohio, USA - 08 May 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -May 8 22:32
9280 kHz AM - 21.30 utc - WYFR, USA (Taiwan relay) - (Mandarin) - Asia - presumed target for TX. / Reception very noisy, but managed to hear a lady singing a mellow song, when first tuned in. Alternated between male and female presenters. / Station also received on 6300kHz, with 'poor' rst rating, but did help to comfirm station ID. - rst:232 - (Icom IC-R75 - switching between 30m copper wire and 30cm 'active' aerials. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 8th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 8 22:06
7190.0 - 0500z - Radio Yemen, Yemen - (AR) - music into news in arabic at top of the hour. Some QRM from 7195khz after 0500z - 59+10db - (R71a, north EWE - Milwaukee, WI USA - 8 May 02)
John Wilke WB9UAI - j999w at aol.com -May 8 05:10
1323 kHz AM - 21.25 utc - Radio Santec, Germany (unsure of Tx. location, pos. Juelich - but open to suggestions) - (EE) - Heavy QRM from 'Capital Gold' being broadcast from Southwick, England on same freq. made station ID difficult, but what was heard was Christian and the station may sign off under various descriptions. (ie. The Cosmic Wave, The Word, The universal Spirit ?) / Sched Eng. Tx. (to Eu.) 21.00 to 21.30utc, Tue. only. - rst:232 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30cm Commtel 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 7th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 7 23:00
15135 // 11865 - 2100 - DW Radio, Germany - (ee) - DW radio with news link and insight. Good signal strength on both freqs - - (Drake R8a - e.texas - 5/7/2002)
R - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 7 21:33
7510 - 0701 - KTBN-Trinity Broadcasting Network, Salt Lake City, Utah - (EE) - Female Preacher introducing program followed by song,"Glory For you." Typical religious fare to follow. - - (Satellit 800 - - May 7, 2002-NYC,USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 7 07:07
7335 - 6.20 - WYFR-Family Radio, Oakland CA, USA - (EE) - "Open Forum"; a bibical, call-in talk show hosted by Harold Camping. Questions range from comparing scripture to "Why does God consider Halloween bad?" - - (Satellit 800 - - May 7, 2002-NYC,USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 7 06:37
15220 - 1510 - Radio Netherlands, Holland (The Netherlands) - (EE) - A female journalist interviewing an astronomer discussing planets, noting that Mars can be identified by its blood red color and Jupiter because it's the brightest of the planets. Next was a discussion of human memory and how it works in relation to advertising. According to the interviewed professor, advertiserments can create false memories. (QRK 3 to 4) - - (Satellit 800 - - May 6, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -May 6 15:47
21520 - 1235 - CLA, Tibet - (Tibetan/Mandarin) - AM. suspect CLA stands for Chinese Lib. Army. Could not translate a single word into EE, but logging this station from 'the roof of the world' indicates the phenomenal propagation on 13 MB recently. - 559 - (ATS 818-reel ant. - Bowmanville, Ont. CA - Apr. 6/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatice.ca -May 6 13:20
7415 - 04:50 - WBCQ, Monticello, Maine-USA - (EE) - "Radio Timtron"; commercial parodies and music. I heard two songs, "picking boogers" and "braces and pimples" The songs were announced by a male announcer who did some schtick. WBCQ is, "The Samuel S. Weiner Memorial station" The station signed off at 0500 UTC - - (Satellit 800 - - May 6, 2002-nyc, USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 6 05:20
7335 - 4.42 - CHU, Ottawa, Canada - (EE) - USB, World time given in English and French at one minute intervals. - - (Satelitt 800 - - May 6,2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 6 04:45
15270 kHz AM - 08.27 utc - Voice of Armenia, Armenia (target Eu.) - (EE) - Heard just before close, (sunday Eng. schedule 08.10 to 08.30utc); "Thankyou very much for tuning into the English broadcast of the Voice of Armenia..." - "...have a good night." (Ann. included postal and e-mail addresses etc...) - rst:465 - (Panasonic RF-B45 (portable) with 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static mobile) - May 5th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 6 00:04
5970 kHz AM - 02.01 utc - Radio Minsk, Belarus (target Eu.) - (EE) - Frequency and schedule guide read out, followed by News. / English sched. - 02.00 to 02.30utc - friday to monday and wed. / Parallel freq. heard 7210kHz (rst:587) - main log rst:577 - (Icom IC-R75 - with Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 5th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 5 22:49
11705 kHz USB - 01.40 utc - Radio Havana Cuba, Cuba (targeted to Eu.) - (EE) - Programme, DXers Unlimited, was heard at time of Rx. / Reception quality variable, but parallel freq. 6000kHz AM, (targeted to NAm.), is stronger, (rst:477). / A second parallel freq. 9820kHz to NAm. also heard, with low rst rating. / (NB: You may like to compare this entry against your earlier one Peter ?) - rst:344 - (Icom IC-R75 - with 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 5th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 5 10:58
5825 - 0640 - WEWN (EWTN)- Global Catholic Radio, Birmingham, Alabama-USA - (EE) - Program dedicated to St.Faustina with a discussion of vocations; single, married and Holy Orders. The churches new emphasis on the Holy Hours that Pope John Paul II encourages for every R.C Parish. At 0700 hours Fr. Benedict Groeschel discusses conversions. Fr. Groeschel is a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal and is considered one of the churches leading intellectuals. - - (Satellit 800 - - May 5, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - OLMCYM at hotmail -May 5 07:05
9675 kHz AM - 22.35 utc - RAI International, Italy (targeted to N.America) - (Italian) - Sound of bird chirping* (blackbird, maybe ??) untill 22.40utc, when scheduled Italian broadcast began. Station ID ann. heard. - (full sched. 22.40 to 00.55utc) - Signal strength dropped slightly around 23.30utc (fading in and out) / Slightly weaker parallel freq. 9840 + 12030kHz to SAm. and 11800kHz to NAm. also heard. / *Note: I had heard this bird chirping in the past, but never associated it with RAI ('but now I know, don't I Bucky'?). - rst:584-('thin' audio tone) - (Icom IC-R75 with Commtel 30cm 'active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 4th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 4 23:54
17720 kHz AM - 19.20 utc - Radyo Pilipinas, Philippines (Tinang 'presumed') - (Eng./Tagalog) - Targeted to Asia, full sked. 17.30 to 19.30utc. / Signal strength and clarity variable / 50's and 60's popular music heard untill close. Closing ann. in Tagalog? (not Eng.) / Parallel freq. 15190kHz, also received. (I may be corrected, but I believe the transmitters used by R.Pilipinas, belong to 'VOA') - rst:(var.)111-453 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 3rd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 3 21:10
9900 - 0030 - Radio Cario, Egypt - (ee) - Announcments in ee with music and news - - (Drake r8 - texas - 5/2/2002)
rthompson - rthompson at cablelynx.com -May 3 00:30
21590 - 1925 - RNW, Netherlands - (EE) - AM. New frequency ? Armchair copy here today, stronger than several // freqs. normally heard at this time of day. Ocnl peak signal to S9+ - 579 - (DX394-Hustler 5BTV vert. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - May 2/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatico,ca -May 2 20:03
15265 kHz AM - 17.05 utc - Radio Africa International (UMC), Tx. from Juelich, Germany - (EE) - 'United Methodist Church.' / News read by Ky Murry - followed by station ID and a Christian song. This was then followed by an interview, talking of aid for communications in Africa. / Parallel freq. 13820kHz heard, though slightly weaker. / Full English sked. - 17.00 to 19.00utc. - rst:455 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - static mobile - May 1st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 1 22:24
9525 kHz AM - 12.00 utc - Radio Polonia, Poland (target to Europe) - (EE) - Discussion on workaholics, interviewing the public, and mention of how overworking can be classed as a disease, with the affected not being able to relax and becoming very stressed. The program opened with the Beatles song - 'Hard Day's Night.' / 2 parallel freq. heard - 6095kHz (very weak) and 11820kHz (strong signal, but poor modulation made listening impossible) / English sked. 12.00 - 12.59utc. - rst:344 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - with 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - static mobile - May 1st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 1 22:00
9770 kHz AM - 00.55 utc - Radio Sri Lanka (SLBC), Sri Lanka (target to Asia) - (EE) - Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation / Song and music heard with female ann. untill 01.00utc - followed by Christian Ministry, discussing marriage and family with Bible references... / V.Strong QRM from VOA on 9775kHz, though I was able to reduce the interference by switching to LSB. / Parallel freq. 15425kHz also heard but very weak, rst:111 / Full English broadcast sked. - 00.25 to 04.30utc. - rst:354 - (Icom IC-R75 - Commtel 30cm 'Active' ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - May 1st, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -May 1 21:13
3210 - 0635 - WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee-USA - (EE) - Program, "World Country Radio" with Kenny Rogers newest release followed by Hank Williams Sr. A female announcer gives program ID and song information. Reception is excellent. - - (Satellit 800 - - May 1, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -May 1 06:42
6165 - 04:44 - Radio Netherlands, Holland via Netherland Antilles - (EE) - Program "Newshour," featuring an interview with a man accounting for the Palestinian dead in the recent conflict. Iranian journalist is sentenced for two years primarily for writing that Palestinian suicide bombers are not justified. However, his sentence is compared light to other critics of Iranian government. Axis of evil speech, by G.W Bush, was pointed out as setting back US-Iranian relations as well as moderates by Radio Netherlands reporter in Iran. Next was an overview of the Dutch newspapers and the upcoming elections. April 30 was "Queens Day" in Netherlands. Program ending at 0500 UTC - - (Satellit 800 - - May 1, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -May 1 05:01
3210 - 0638 - WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee-USA - (EE) - (Omega Radio)"Spectrum" - "This week in Radio" Major story: Syndicated host Mike Savage is under fire from Muslim groups for inflammatory statements. Two men are taking phone calls on a variety of subjects. One is apparently a guest. Commercials are mainstream with US Saving Bonds, Paul Harvey doing a Bose Radio commercial and Geico advertising. The guys are broadcasting from NJ. The main host is Marc Beck. I think this is a local show that is simulcast over WWCR. Many of the calls are about Clear Channel. (Reception is excellent) - - (Satellit 800 - - April 29, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - Olmcym at hotmail.com -Apr 29 07:01
11680 - 6:23 - HCJB, Quito, Ecuador - (EE) - "Inside HCJB," with Mr. Cummings. Special historical edition of HCJB. 33.3rpm record of station's founder discussing the importance of Gospel-based radio, followed by a 25-30 year old recording of an anouncer talking-up a song, "Praise the Lord." Broadcast is aimed to Europe. "Renewing Your Mind," about the nature of bibical faith from Hebrews Ch.11 from 0630. Signal is very good. - EE - (Satelitt 800 - - April 29, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -Apr 29 06:31
7315 - 0611-0615 - World Harvest Radio, USA - (EE) - Preacher discussing how husbands should value their wives and their work; raising the children, taking care of the house and keeping their appearance. References to Psalms 34 and 35. "God ordained love sex and marriage...there is no sex outside of marriage in God's eyes." Address given to order tape recorded sermons. - - (Satellit 800 - - April 29, 2002-NYC, USA)
Peter M - olmcym at hotmail.com -Apr 29 06:18
6035 - 05:50 - VOA, USA - (EE) - Program, 44 minutes. Discussion of chiropractors lobbying politicians, and lobbying in general. Song parody about lobbying and its influence. Editorial about Al Quaeda, the bombing of the WTC and the Pentagon from the perspective of US government inviting listener response. "Daybreak Africa" to follow on several frequencies that I missed the announcer mention, however, VOA continues to broadcast on 6035 at 0600 UTC. The signal was pretty good with some fading. - - (Satellit 800 - - April 29, 2002- NYC, USA)
PeterM - olmcym at hotmail.com -Apr 29 06:04
4835 kHz AM - 22.20 utc - RTV du Mali, Mali - (French/Arabic 'listed' ) - Rather pleasent 'African' style music/song heard during time of reception. / Little known about this station other than what I found on a web freq. list. But managed to confirm net info. by picking up 2 parallel freq. (4783kHz - rst:111 + 5995kHz - rst:333) and cross checking them against each other. / (sked. tx times 18.00 to 24.00utc) - rst:445 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - April 28, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 28 22:52
6295 kHz AM - 20.55 utc - Reflections Europe, Ireland - (EE) - Various Christian broadcasts are heard through this station, which I now know transmits from Ireland. / 'Wesleyan Hour', was just finishing when I tuned in, 'Voice of Truth', began at 21.05utc. Station ID and description was heard between programs. / Broadcasting Sundays only, between 15.00 and 22.30utc. - rst:355 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire ant. - Guernsey Chan. Isles. (UK) - April 28, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 28 21:51
9435 kHz AM - 01.10 utc (full sked. 01.00 - 01.30) - Radio Santec, Germany (Tx site, Juelich)? - (EE) - Christian programming. / Heavy QRM made listening difficult. - Managed to hear a female ann. talking of appropriate clothing for women in the Christian Faith, and how women tend more to dress themselves more like men ?? / Only 3 half-hour English broadcasts per week, this one being targeted to Asia in general, and India specifically. - rst.233 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper-wire ant. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - April 28, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 28 10:48
15515 - 0554 utc - R. Australia, Australia - (EE) - "Fine Music Australia". "Asia-Pacific Network" of R. Australia I.D. Country music filler until news at 0600. rst: 58_. Tx site: Shepparton, power 100kW. Target(s): wUSA, cUSA, eUSA, Mexico, Hawaii, Tonga, Samoa, French Polynesia. - - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - )
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Apr 28 06:04
1386 kHz AM - 20.45 utc - Voice of Russia (World Service) , Russia (Kalatch ?) target to Eu. - (EE) - "Let's Talk Russian", language education programme. / Full sked. 19.00 - 21.00utc / ('I think you might have trouble pulling this one in Bucky') - rst.588 - (Philips DC-562 car-radio / standard car ant. - East coast of Guernsey, (mobile, travelling North at 35mph) - April 27, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 27 22:50
15115 - 1130 - HCJB, Ecuador - (EE) - Christian Radio Program - - (Sangean ATS909 - OH, USA. - 4/27/2002)
Frank Day N8SGY - dayfrank at wcnet.org -Apr 27 12:25
4845 - 0159 - Radio Kechki?, Guatamala - (SS) - Local program with music and male announcer.NOT 100 % sure of id ,but sounds like them. Had digital interference sneak in at 0200 - 333 - (Ten Tec RX320--90 ft dipole - Kentucky - 4/26/02)
Chris Holladay - swlchris at iglou.com -Apr 27 02:06
5825 kHz AM - 01.05 utc - WEWN Global Catholic Radio , USA (tx loc. Vandiver) / main target Africa, secondary target Europe. - (EE) - Part of, 'Eternal Word TV Network' / Moments of Truth (live), today talking to Paul C. Vitz, about his book, 'Faith of the Fatherless', about athiests. Also answering 'phone in questions on the book. / Minor QRM caused by unknown carrier wave from approx. 01.10utc. - rst454 - (Icom IC-R75 (Commtel 30cm 'active' ant.) - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - April 27, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 27 02:01
11720 kHz - 2139 utc - BBC World Service, United Kingdom - (EE) - "Calling the Falklands". Discussion of visiting battle sites of Falklands War, April 1982. Ended 2144. Full sked: 2130 to 2145 utc Tu/Fr. Tx site: Rampisham (UK); power 500kW. Target: sSAm. - 34_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 26 APR 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Apr 26 21:59
21455 kHz AM - 17.45 utc - WYFR (Family Radio), USA (Oakland) - (EE) - A Minister was answering questions, from telephone callers, on Bible passages at time of Rx. / Targeted to Europe. / (Full English sked. = 16.00 - 18.00utc) - rst (with 'active' aerial) 466-222 (variable) - (Icom IC-R75 / Compairing a 30cm Commtel 'active'aerial, agsinst 30m copper wire aerial (on 13m band). 'Active' aerial v.slightly better, holding the signal above the noise level when fading at it's worse. - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - April 26, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 26 19:33
15180 - 12.00 - R. Romania Intern., Romania - (DD) - Nachrichten, Presseschau, Diskussion über Schulbücher, Preisausschreiben - 474 - (Sony ICF2001D/SW100 - Germany - 26. Apr. 02)
Wolfgang Büttner - -Apr 26 12:26
6035 - 06:01 - VOA, US - (EE) - VOA News Program, "Daybreak Africa," beginning with story and clip of Pres.George W. Bush discussing meeting with Saudi Arabian leaders. Other stories: Israeli- Palestinen conflict; US denies military incursions in Pakistan; Rumsfeld to visit Afghanistan. - - (Satellit 800 - - April 26, 2002- NYC, USA)
Peter M - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -Apr 26 06:12
6000 - 04:10 - Radio Havana Cuba, Cuba - (EE) - News from Cuba stating that Geneva, UN Human Rights Convention is a tool of the US against Cuba stating support from the Chilean government. Contest to win a trip to Cuba. Two question were posed. In "Commentary: Spotlight on the Americas", focus is on Argentina's economic situation placing the blame on the IMF. (Signal was very good.) - - (Sat 800 - - April 26, 2002)
Peter M. - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -Apr 26 04:23
9570 kHz AM - 0239 utc - R. Budapest, Hungary - (EE) - "Hungary Today"; discussion of higher education in Hungary. Station ID at 0239 utc. Full sked: 0230 to 0300. Tx site: Jaszbereny; power 250kW. Target(s): cCanada, eCanada, wUSA, cUSA, eUSA, Maritime Provinces. - 45_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 26 APR 02)
Bucky Hydal - buckyhydal at hotmail.com -Apr 26 03:37
5240 khz AM - 23.15 utc - China National Radio - '8', China (via Xizang tr.) - (Tibetan 'believed') - CNR-8 (Minorities prog.) - Male + Female ann. interspersed with brief musical interludes. / Program content difficult to comment on, due to my limited grasp of the Tibetan language. / Parallel freq. 4905 and 4920khz, also heard, (variably weaker), which helped confirm identity - rst-233 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire aerial - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. ( UK ) - April 26, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 25 23:53
9400 - 20.55 - R. Bulgaria, Bulgaria - (EE) - News, weather forecast, followed by commentary about current issues, history cast about acient Bulgarien towns / - 455 - (Sony ICF-2001D/SW100 - Germany - 25. Apr. 02)
Wolfgang Büttner - -Apr 25 21:28
- - , - () - NOTE: "3515 kHz AM" in my last logging should read "9515 kHz AM". I knew I shouldn't have attempted this until I had at least one cup of coffee! Sorry for the double post. - - ( - - )
Bucky Hydal - -Apr 25 14:12
3515 kHz AM - 1355 utc - R. Canada Int'l, Canada - (EE) - Music, followed by a poem. News at 1400 utc about services for four [brave] Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Full sked: 1200 to 1500.Tx site: Sackville. Target(s): eCanada, cUSA, eUSA. (Posted for buddy from Sat 800 group looking for daytime DX in northeastern US.) - 589 - (Radio Shack DX-398 w/Sony AN-LP1 amplied loop antenna. - Springfield, Mass., USA - 25 APR 02)
Bucky Hydal - -Apr 25 14:07
9820 - 06:01 - Radio Havana Cuba, Cuba - (EE) - Radio Havana News, Wednesday edition. - - (Satellit 800 - - NYC, USA-April 25, 2002)
Peter M. - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -Apr 25 06:07
6110 - 05:13 - Radio Japan, via Canada - (EE) - Program called "44 minutes" with news of cell phone scam, "Artists Without Borders" from NYC hold exhibit in Japan with interview and Japanese music. - - (Satellit 800 - - NY, USA-April 25, 2002)
Peter M. - OLMCYM at hotmail.com -Apr 25 05:37
17675 khz AM - 12.50 utc - ERTU ( Radio Cairo ), Egypt - (A-Arabic) - Egyption Radio and TV Union, general programming in Arabic. / Theme tune to 'Star Wars' heard just after 13.00utc, followed by 'military parade' style music, interspersed by male and female announcers. / Very heavy QRM caused by R. Finland on 17670khz untill 12.59, when R. Finland closed. But still received v.slight QRM from a, 'way-over-modulating', R. Rossii, some 15khz lower, transm. on 17660khz. / Parallel freq. also heard on 12050khz (somewhat clearer). - (var.rst.) 131 to 331 - (Panasonic RF-B45 (1m telescopic ant.) - Guernsey, Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static-mobile) - April 24, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 24 18:34
15135 kHz AM - 2111utc - R. Deutsche Welle, Germany - (EE) - "Newslink." News about EU action about ME situation. Then piece on pedophile priests in Catholic Church. Tx site: Kigali, Rwanda. Target(s): Canary Is., cAf, wAf. (NOTE: Tx site and target info from ILGRADIO DATABASE accessed through Windows frontend RADIO LISTENER'S DATABASE. Both highly recommended.) - 58_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 23 APR 02)
Bucky Hydal - -Apr 23 21:44
13730 - 17.35-18.30 - V. of the Islamic Rep. of Iran, Iran - (DD) - News, mainly about conference of counties at the Caspian Sea, later commentary largely anti USA propaganda - 454 - (Sony SW100 - Germany - 23. Apr. 02)
Wolfgang Büttner - -Apr 23 18:51
17350 kHz AM - 1740 - Swiss Radio Int'l, Switzerland - (EE) - Discussion of anger management. Followed by talk on exports of war materials at 1745. Tx site: Juelich. Target(s): neAf, ME. (Also heard somewhat weaker on RS DX-398 w/Sony AN-LP1 antenna.) - 55_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 23 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 23 17:53
15370 khz AM - 14.00 utc - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, (tx believed to be from Morocco) - (Tajik) - ( The Tajik service of RFE/RL. ) Again, due to lang., unable to judge true content of program, but numerous references to Tajikistan and Freedom House were made. / Parallel freq. 15145khz(grc) - was also heard with reduced strength and quality. - 488 - (Panasonic RF-B45 (portable) - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static-mobile) - April 23, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 23 17:47
17685 khz AM - 13.49 utc - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, (tx believed to be from Tailand) - (Dari) - ( The - 'Radio Free Afghanistan' - service ) / Difficult to obtain true content of program due to language, but managed to pick out a male person talking about, - 'what sort of role, or presence, Russia should have in the region,' - before translation cut in. (the region, I presume, being Afghanistan ?) / 3 parallel freq. - 15265(cln) / 15355(d) / 15370khz(cln) - all heard also, but with reduced Rx strength and quality. - 466 - (Panasonic RF-B45 (portable) - 1m telescopic - Guernsey Chan. Isles. (UK) - (static-mobile) - April 23, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 23 17:00
15515 kHz - 0629 - R. Australia, Australia - (EE) - AM (sync/LSB). Diseases among Fiji Islanders resulting from nuclear tests in 1950s. Tx site: Shepparton. Target(s): PapNG, Guam, Mariana Is. Full sked 0200-0700utc. (Also heard on 17580 kHz) - 43_ - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 23 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 23 06:37
21630 khz AM - 18.50 utc - Radio Telefis Eireann, Ireland (? ASC relay) - (EE) - Interview with the chairman of the Green Party, followed by adverts and travel report. RTE shut down at exactly 19.00utc, halfway through a report. / (Unlike most 'international' shortwave stations, RTE simply seem to transmit half an hour of 'national' programming.) / Full sched. - 18.30 to 19.00 - 354 (sio-233) - (Panasonic RF-B45 portable - 1m telescopic ant. - Guernsey (Chan. Isles.) UK - April 22, 2002)
Robin Banneville - Robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 23 00:07
17605 - 1944 - R. Netherlands, Netherlands - (EE) - AM (sync/USB). Discussion about Neanderthal man, Homo Erectus, etc. S6-7, fading. Transmitter: Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Target(s): wAf, cAf, swAf. - - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 22 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 22 19:49
17545 - 1914 - Kol Israel, Irael - (EE) - AM (sync/LSB). News about Jenin refugee camp; int'l news. S9. Target: wUSA, eUSA, Mexico, Maritime provinces, wEU, eEU. Program time: 1900 - 1925. - - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 22 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 22 19:26
15120 khz AM - 05.10utc - Voice of Nigeria ( Lagos ), Nigeria ( targeted to Eu. ) - (EE) - Heard closing moments of a program called 'Landmarks', followed by station identification and a program which included music and listener station reports. / ( Re. previous entry; amazingly, I did try, but was unable to receive Nigeria on 7255 khz here in the UK, -- although the equipment used was fairly basic --. ) - 588 - (Panasonic RF-B45 - with built in telescopic aerial. - Guernsey (Chan. Isles.) UK / (static mobile) - April 21, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 21 10:04
7255 - 0600 - Voice of Nigeria, Nigeria - (EE) - News of Nigeria read by female; followed by international news. S9. Also on 15120 (S7). - - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 21 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 21 06:22
7445 khz USB - 04.00 utc - Radio For Peace International, Costa Rica - (EE) - RFPI had intended transmitting a special report on the demonstrations in the USA over the Middle East, but due to technical problems with their computers, they reverted to the regular schedual and broadcast a media program called 'Counter Spin'. - 344 - (Icom IC-R75 - 30m copper wire aerial - Guernsey (Chan. Isles.) UK - April 21, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 21 04:29
9745 khz AM - 01.40 utc - HCJB ( The Voice of the Andes ), Ecuador (Quito) - (EE) - Targeted to Eastern N.Am. / 'Saludos Amigos', ( 01.30 to 02.00 utc ) ,a program of international friendship, correspondence, and reception reports, presented this week by Yvonne Kennedy and Rachel Orr. / Parallel freq. 11960 khz, also heard, although very weak. - 445 - (Icom IC-R75 with 30m copper-wire aerial. - Guernsey (Chan. Isles.) UK - April 21, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 21 02:28
9700 - 17.35 - VOA, USA - (EE) - Interview with Women in Refugee Camps, - 454 - (Sony ICF-2001D - Germany - 20.Apr.02)
Wolfgang Büttner - -Apr 20 17:47
17830 - 12.30 - TRT Voice of Turkey, Turkey - (EE) - News (male), Outlook (female), DX-Corner (female) - 455 - (ICF-SW100 - Germany - 20.04.02)
Wolfgang Büttner - -Apr 20 12:50
15530 - 11:30 - R. Finnland, Finnland - (DD) - Women in Africa - 445 - (ICF-SW100 - 0 - 20.04.02)
Wolfgang Büttner - -Apr 20 12:05
6190 - 0419 - BBC WS for Southern Africa, United Kingdom - (EE) - News. AM (sync/LSB). S9; weak/readable through QRM, QRN. Target: Southern Africa. Tx site: Meyerton, S. Africa. - - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 19 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 19 04:23
7120 - 0315 - BBC WS for Southern Africa, United Kingdom - (EE) - AM. World and African news. "Network Africa" at 0330. Also on 7160 kHz. Target: West and Central Africa. Transmitter location: South Africa. - - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 19 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 19 03:42
11705 - 0208 - R. Havana Cuba, Cuba - (EE) - USB. News. S5 - S7. Readable through fading and weak QRM. - - (Grundig Sat 800/random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 19 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 19 02:12
9475 - 1200 - Radio Australia, Australia - (EE) - AM, via Shepperton, weak but audiable, paralelled 9580,9580 better of the two. With News. This was Radio National, picked up at 1200utc - 252 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-14-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 14 23:55
9570 khz AM - 23.51 utc - Radio Romania International, Romania, (Bucharest - targeted to Eu.) - (EE) - DX mailbag. / (NB: rst rating - 599 - on Icom IC-R75 with Commtel active 'stick' aerial - - purely out of curiosity I tuned my scanner to the same freq. for this logging - ''note equip. used.'') - 566 - (AOR AR2000 multiband scanner - with omni dir. VHF/UHF 'discone' ant. - Guernsey, Ch. Is., (UK) - April 13, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 14 00:10
17775 khz AM - 13.35 utc - Radio Tashkent, Uzbekistan (target - Asia - 'presumed') - (EE) - News heard 'till 13.38utc, followed by a program about the World Bank President's visit to Tashkent 'till 13.45, and then the April edition of the 'DX Plus, Program', ending at 13.57. / Parallel freq. 15295khz also rec. with bad QRM. / (NB: Modulation was a little low, and mixed with the female ann. strong accent, made listening difficult.) - 443 - (Panasonic RF-B45 (portable) - Guernsey, Ch. Is., (UK) - (static mobile) - April 13, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 13 22:56
6115 - 0145 - Radio Tirana, Albania - (EE) - AM, Sync/LSB; News of Albania; S9 +20. (Also on 7160 kHz.) - - (Grundig Sat 800/70 ft. random longwire - Springfield, Mass., USA - 13 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 13 01:56
15340 - 0500 - Radio New Zealand Int'l, New Zealand - (EE) - AM, via Rangitaki, target: Oceania, National news, sked: 0500-0658UTC - 353 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-12-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 12 23:54
17675 - 0400 - R. New Zealand Int'l, New Zealand - (EE) - AM, sync LSB. New Zealand news. S9 +10 - - (Grundig Sat 800 - Springfield, Mass., USA - 12 APR 02)
Bucky - -Apr 12 04:04
9560 - 0243 - Radio Korea Int'l, Canada - (EE) - AM,via Radio Canada Int'l, about the FEFA World Cup Soccer Tournment in Japan, sked: 0200-0300UTC - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-11-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 11 23:56
12105 - 1830 - Voice of Greece, Greece - (EE) - New A02 freq. ex 11645 at 1930 UTC. News, local and intn'l. todays feature upcoming UN sponsored World Assembly on Aging. Program ended with 5 mins. of contemporary Greek music, with signoff at 1900 UTC. - 569 - (ATS-818, reel ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - Apr.11/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatice.ca -Apr 11 19:18
6175 - 0333 - Voice of Vietnam, Canada - (EE) - AM, via Radio Canada Int'l,Sackville,NB, The News, about the situation in the Middle East, Full Sked: 0330-0358UTC - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-10-02)
Hank Lukas, N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 10 23:57
9870 - 0313 - Radio Prague, Czech Republic - (EE) - AM, about the enviornment in Central Europe, Full Sked: 0300-0330UTC - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-10-02)
Hank Lukas, N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 10 23:54
11800 khz AM - 21.56 utc - Radio Bulgaria, Bulgaria - (Spanish) - Received just before closedown - (full 'A02' sked. 21.00 to 22.00 utc) - station ID heard, and also compaired to parallel transm. on 13800khz (rst-577). / (I have always been curious to know how R.Bulgaria seem to obtain all the 'round-figure' frequencies to transmit on - ie; to the nearest 100khz - ?) - 566 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire ant. ) - Guernsey, Chan. Is. (UK) - April 10, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 10 22:29
6190 - 0114 - Radio Slovakia Int'l, Slovakia - (EE) - AM, via Kostolany, sounded like a mailbag program. ( hopefully Slovakia is spelled right,if not you get the idea). Full Sked, to North America, 0100-0130UTC - 454 - (Sony, ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-8-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 8 23:59
5290 khz AM - 23.30 utc - Radio Rossii, Russia - (Russian) - At time of reception, a male ann. was introducing "30's + 40's" 'accordeon ( etc... )' style music. - 456 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire ant. ) - Guernsey, Channel Is. ( UK ) - April 6th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 6 23:43
9925 - 0442 - Voice of Croatia, Germany - (EE) - AM, via Julich, last time I reported it was out of Croatia on this freq 1999. with news, about the Euro and NATO until 0449, than at 0449 into Spanish. The announcement,shortwave service of Croatian radio. off at 0458UTC. English 0442-0449 - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-6-02)
Hank lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 6 21:02
11775 - 2300 - Radio Romania Int'l, Romania - (EE) - AM, via Tiganseti, at sign-on, to Europe, with Newsreel. The situation in the Middle East. The interference from a jammer, don't think Romania was the target for the jamming. Full sked: 2300-2359UTC. - 433 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-3-02)
Hank Lukas, N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 5 00:56
11960 khz AM - 13.20 utc - Radio Jordan ( JRTV ), Jordan ( Al Karanah ) - ( target - NAm. + Eu. ) - (EE) - Full sked. listed as being 13.00 - 16.30utc, station was playing soft rock/pop music at time of reception. / Although signal strength was very good overall, for a period of around 3 minutes ( starting about 13.23utc ) the RST fell to - 111 - then slowly rose again to the logged rating, where it remained untill I went QSY at 14.05. - 578 ( variable ) - (Panasonic RF-B45 ( portable, using built on telescopic aerial ) - Guernsey, Channel Islands ( UK ) - ( 'Static' mobile. ) - April 4th, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 4 20:08
9725 - 2153 - Radio Romania Int'l, Romania - (EE) - AM, via Tiganesti, caught at sign-off at 2155UTC. Full sked, 2100-2155UTC - 353 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 4-2-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Apr 4 00:57
9370 khz AM - 22.10 utc - WTJC - Working Till Jesus Comes, USA ( N.Carolina ) - (EE) - A part of the Fundamental Broadcasting Network, transmissions mainly consist Gospel ministry and singing. / Although reception is mainly quite reasonable around 22.00 utc, the Voice of Greece on 9375 khz, can cause bad QRM. -------- ( NB: apologies for previous 'double-up' logging of Indonesia ) ------- - 366 - (Icom IC-R75 - Guernsey ( UK ) - April 3rd, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 3 23:02
15150 khz AM - 20.35 utc - Voice of Indonesia, Indonesia ( targeted to Eu. + ME ) - (EE) - An interesting program on the design and build of 'eastern' musical instruments was being transmitted when I first tuned in, which was interspersed with musical 'examples'. The program was short and concluded at 20.45 utc. Further music was played after 20.45. With station ann. and close at 21.00. / Signal strength did vary rapidly, as did readability. ------- ( NB: Date on previous entry - Cairo 9990khz, - should read 'APRIL' 2nd - NOT- March 2nd as indicated ) ---------- - 343 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire ant. ) - Guernsey ( UK ) - April 3rd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 3 21:26
15150 khz AM - 20.35 utc - Voice of Indonesia, Indonesia ( targeted to Eu. + ME ) - (EE) - An interesting program on the design and build of 'eastern' musical instruments was being transmitted when I first tuned in, which was interspersed with musical 'examples'. The program was short and concluded at 20.45 utc. Further music was played after 20.45. With station ann. and close at 21.00. / Signal strength did vary rapidly, as did readability. ------- ( NB: Date on previous entry - Cairo 9990khz, - should read 'APRIL' 2nd - NOT- March 2nd as indicated ) ---------- - 343 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire ant. ) - Guernsey ( UK ) - April 3rd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 3 21:24
9990 khz AM - 21.55 - Radio Cairo, Egypt (Targeted to Europe) - (EE) - Low quality audio. / Sports report untill 22.02. Then a brief, 'Egyptian-style' musical interlude. Followed by a program called 'A Short Story' from 22.05 - 22.15. / ( Full sked. 21.15 - 22.45 utc ) / Slight QRM received from the 'RWM' Standard Time Signal, transmitted from Russia on 9996khz. - 486 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire ant. ) - Guernsey ( UK ) - March 2nd, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 2 23:14
5905khz AM - 21.25 utc - Radio Ukraine International, Ukraine ( To SW Europe ) - (EE) - Poor audio makes listening difficult ( although switching to USB and tweaking the PBT did help somewhat ). / Full sked; 21.00 - 22.00 utc. / At time of reception a program called "Close Up", was reporting on the worsening problem of HIV and Aids in the Ukraine. - 363 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire aerial ) - Guernsey ( UK ) - 1st April, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Apr 1 21:58
13730 - 1210 - ORF, Austria - (EE & Austrian) - AM. Polka music to 1300 UTC with announcements in Austrian. Then EE news, etc. to 1400 UTC. After 1400 UTC, classical music. Sked: 0400-1800 UTC , 14 hours !!! Targetted to EU but good signal here in S. Ont. Programs appear to alternate between Austrian and English language, but have not monitored entire 14 hrs. as yet. - 569 - (ATS818-reel ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - Apr.1/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatico.ca -Apr 1 14:30
9935 AM - 19.45 - 'Radio Station' - MACEDONIA, Greece - ( Thessaloniki ) - Targeted to Europe - (Greek) - Female ann. speaking between Greek ( or maybe Spanish ) 'style' songs. Transmission ceased at exactly 19.50. - 457 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire aerial ) - Guernsey, Channel Islands, ( UK ) - March 24, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Mar 24 23:20
17815 khz AM - 15.28 - Adventist World Radio ( KSDA ), Guam ( Targeted to Asia ) - (Kannada) - Transmission was received as AWR changed over language schedule from Telugu to Kannada. During the intermission, station identification was read in English, " From the beautiful island of Guam in the West Pacific, this is Adventist World Radio, the Voice of Hope. " Mailing information was also heard. At 15.30 a lady spoke between 'native-style' music - 456 - (Panasonic RF-B45 portable with built in telescopic aerial - Guernsey ( UK ) - mobile ( stationary ) - March 21, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Mar 21 23:32
11645 - 1930 - Voice of Greece, Greece - (EE) - AM. News about Greece for approx. 10 mins. then intn'l news, followed by special feature, today about new 680 Km divided motorway to be built across northern Greece. Programs are very informative and professionally done. The audio quality is superb. - 579 - (ATS-818, reel ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - Mar.20/02)
Thomas Moyer - ethelyn at sympatico.ca -Mar 21 00:33
7410 khz AM - 22.20 - All India Radio, India ( Targeted to Eu. ) - (EE) - Rather poor audio ( normal with 'AIR' ) Broadcasting an interview with a Commisioner to the UK. Also 2 parallel freq. heard - 11620 khz and 9650 khz ( the 2nd being very ' back-of-the-box ' ) - 272 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire ) - Guernsey ( UK ) - March 20, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Mar 20 23:04
15270 - 09:20 - Voice of Armenia, Armenia - (EE) - SWBC by female describing aspects of Armenian life w/ brief music intervals/ ID by male at 09:29/ SWBC ending at 09:30 - 323 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire Antenna - Tullahoma, Tn U.S.A. - March 10, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Mar 10 09:54
15345 khz - 22.50 - Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior , Argentina ( targeted to Eu. NAf. + NAm. ) - ('S' - Spanish) - Signal rather noisy, but strong enough to detect language as being Spanish, ( music also at times ). As no other station appears to transmit on 15345khz around this time, and it's in Spanish, I can only be 99.9% certain that this logging is correct ( ?? ). - 233 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire aerial ) - Guernsey C.I. ( UK ) - March 7, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Mar 8 00:00
7265 khz - 22.12 UTC - Sudwestrundfunk - 3, ( SWR ) , Germany ( Rohrdorf ) - ( German, 'D' ) - German station providing 24hr 'pop' music. RST improved at 23.00 UTC ( less QRM ). Also a parallel frequency was heard at approx. same time on 6030 khz, ( rst - 122 ) - 243 - (Icom IC-R75 ( Ant. = 30m copper wire ) - Guernsey, Channel Islands ( UK ) - March 5, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Mar 6 23:18
11915 khz - 22.44 UTC - BSKSA ( Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ), Saudi Arabia ( Target - N.Africa ) - (Arabic) - Received also on 2 parallel freq. ( 15230 / 11820 khz ) with reduced quality, the station broadcast was basically speach, but slightly prior to my logging time, Arabic 'worship / chant / singing' ?? was heard. ( Holy Quran ) ?? - TX ceased at 23.00 UTC - 477 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire ) - Guernsey, Channel Islands, ( UK ) - March, 04, 2002 )
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Mar 4 23:29
9925 - 03:41 - Croatian Radio, Croatia (BC from Julich, Germany) - (EE) - at 03:44 male announcer "This is the news from Croatian Radio"/followed by female news anchor - news included election of worker's council - round up of Serbian rebels w/ some to be sent to The Hague / death of former Croatian president/"Thats the news from Croatian Radio" EE ending at 03:48 w/BC thereafter in Sp until 03:54 when male announcer gave station ID and schedules in EE until 03:56 - 549 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire Antenna - Tullahoma, Tn 37388 U.S.A. - March 4, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Mar 4 04:00
15355 - 03:20 - Radio Oman, Oman - (EE) - AMENDED REPORT /signal very weak w/ noise but caught station ID at 03:01/ male announcer speaking EE with Arabic music at intervals/ At 03:20 song "Sometimes When We Touch" was played followed by male announcer in EE - 111 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire Antenna - Tullahoma, TN 37388 U.S.A. - March 4, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Mar 4 03:25
15355 - 03:01 - Radio Oman, Oman - (EE) - signal very weak w/ noise but caught station ID at 03:01/ male announcer speaking EE with Arabic music at intervals - 111 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire Antenna - Tullahoma, TN 37388 U.S.A. - March 4, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Mar 4 03:16
15435 - 19:20 - Voice of Africa, Libya - (EE) - Beginning at 19:20 news of local interest/Libyian holiday celebration/news re: upcoming Conference of African Women later this month /BC in EE lasted until 19:24 then back to AA - 444 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire Antenna - Tullahoma, TN 37388 USA - March 2, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Mar 2 19:28
3985 khz - 18.58 - NEXUS - ( I.B.A. ), Italy ( Milano ) - to Europe + N. Africa - (EE) - Just prior to 19.00 utc, station name ( NEXUS - International Broadcasting Association ) and address were announced, followed by a Christian programme of worship, song and ministry called 'Words of Life'. - ( The original concept of NEXUS was, quote; ' Anyone with a half-sensible message is welcome to use our broadcasting infrastructure.' Which may help to describe the type of station Nexus set out to be. ) - 344 - (Icom IC-R75 ( 30m copper wire used as aerial ) - Guernsey. Channel Islands, ( UK ) - 27 Feb 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Feb 27 19:55
13675 - 03:31 - UAE, Emirates Radio(Dubai), United Arab Emirates - (EE) - Excellent SINPO at this time - Regional/International News by female followed by religious stories with some music ending at 03:51 - 898 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire antenna - Tullahoma, TN U.S.A. - Feburary 25, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Feb 25 04:36
6295 khz - 17.00 - ReflectionsEurope.com, ( Under Investigation ? ) - (EE) - AM - Announced as Reflections Europe.com, the stations main purpose appears to be transmitting other Christian Broadcaster's programmes to a wider audience. At the time of reception, Gospel Crusade Ministries, with Minister Roger Hendrick teaching the Gospel from The King James Bible, was heard. Two parallel frequencies 3910khz and 12255khz were also received, but with reduced clarity ( rst 345 ). ( A schedule of sorts is available on - www.reflectionseurope.com - but otherwise it seems to be almost un-listed ?? ) - 467 - (Panasonic RF-B45 portable 'travellers' receiver. - Guernsey, Channel Islands, ( UK ) - ( sitting in my car on the west coast of the island ) - Sunday 24 Feb 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Feb 24 22:09
9830 - 2258 - Voice of Turkey, Turkey - (EE) - AM, via Cakirlar,target: Europe & North America, at 2300UTC on with interval signal with station announcement,this is the voice of Turkey, The item about the Haj and Animal sarcifice,the Haj went on during this week. Full Sked: 2300-2350, paralelled 9655. - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 2-22-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Feb 23 00:58
9770 - 2143 - Radio Canada Int'L, Canada - (EE) - AM, Target: Europe & Africa, This frequency was not listed for this time period,2100-2200UTC,in the 2002 WRTH. about Canada doing business in Russia - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 2-21-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Feb 22 00:59
21700 - 2104 - Radio Exterior de Espana, Spain - (SS) - AM, Target: North and Central America, surpose to be on this frequency from 1000-1300UTC, but was on past 2100UTC due to a special soccer tournment that is going on right now. One of the teams was Barclona,who was losing. current schedule past 2130UTC. Note the date,(2-20-02) - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 2-20-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Feb 21 00:59
12035 khz - 00.30 - HCJB : The Voice of the Andes, Quito, Ecuador - (EE) - 'Did You Hear' - A programme of unusual news clips, hosted by Grant James. ( Question : How long has HCJB been broadcasting to India on 12035 khz ?? - Does anyone know ?? ) - 577 - (Icom IC-R75 - Guernsey, Channel Islands ( UK ) - Feb. 17th 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Feb 17 00:53
6458.5 USB - 01.30 - AFRTS ( AFN ), Puerto Rico ( presumed transmitter site ) - (EE) - Armed Forces Radio and TV Service. Providing programming to US service personnel and their families away from mainland USA. At the time of reception, a programme on how parents can help kids to manage their anger was being broadcast. - 455 - (Icom IC-R75 ( simple 30m 'long-wire' aerial ) - Guernsey, Channel Islands, ( UK ) - 16th Feb 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Feb 16 03:38
15190 - 1638 - BBC World Service, Antigua - (EE) - AM, target Central America, with either rugby or soccer, the one team from Liverpool. Interesting because today in 1964 the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. Guess where they were from Liverpool. Neat right. Long Live The Beatles. Full sked: 1100-1700 - 353 - (Sony ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 2-9-02)
Hank Lukas,N2GCN - n2gch at hotmail.com -Feb 9 20:59
5810 - 2200utc - Radio Tapei, \Formosa - (ee) - Political news - - (r1051b/urr long wire - texas - 2/7/02)
arqe3 - arqe3 at ivitcom.net -Feb 7 22:08
1010 - 2312 - CFRB, Toronto, Canada - (ee) - CFRB in Toronto underneath and sometimes on top of WINS in New York. Often when I hear this, I sometimes get some good openings to the west and or TAs over the pole. - 222 - (R5000 w/100 meter longwire - Brick, NJ, USA - 04 Feb)
Bob Colyard - capt_kidd at radio.fm -Feb 5 14:05
11765 - 13.03 - KNLS, Alaska - (EE) - Various articles and reports, including Bible readings and American 'Old Time' songs - 233 - (Panasonic Portable RF-B45 - Guernsey, UK - January 30, 2002)
Robin Banneville - robinban74o at supanet.com -Jan 31 23:04
6200 - 0310 - Radio Prague, Czech Republic - (SS) - AM, with talk and music. - 454 - (Sony,ICF-2010 - Plainview,NY - 1-30-02)
Hank lukas,N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Jan 31 00:56
4815 - 14:10 - RCI, China - (?) - Unlisted freq. Parallel on 4883; OM and YL host; switched to Russian at 15:00 - 477 - (AOR 7030+ Beverage - N. CA, USA - Jan 28, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 28 19:52
3214.8 - 13:05 - RRI Manado (presumed), Indonesia - (I) - music - 366 - (AOR 7030+ - N. CA, USA - Jan 28, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 28 19:40
450.8250 - 1000 - Police, Australia, Wagga Wagga - (En) - Police Base Radio - - (Bearcat UBC 3000XLT - - 16 Jan 02)
Shane - budo_au at yahoo.com.au -Jan 26 10:17
4753.3 - 15:03 - R. Makassar (tenative), Indonesia - (EE) - music, YL in Indonesian? hfcc lists two xmtrs at 20 and 3 kW - 375 - (AOR 7030+ Beverage - N. Ca, USA - Jan 25, 02)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 25 22:48
4970 - 14:20 - AIR New Delhi, India - (EE) - Prime minister's speech in English, better sig than 4970 - 477 - (AOR 7030+ Beverage - N. Ca, USA - Jan 25, 02)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 25 22:33
4970 - 14:13 - AIR Gauhati, India - (EE) - Prime minister's speech in English QRN - 365 - (AOR 7030+ Beverage - N. Ca, USA - Jan 25, 02)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 25 22:32
13675 - 1600 - Radio Dubai, UAE - (EE) - Radio play, "The role of the Prophet" - music and news. Better sig than 13630 - 479 - (AOR 7030+ Beverage - N. Ca, USA - Jan 24, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 25 22:28
13630 - 1600 - Radio Dubai, UAE - (EE) - Radio play, "The role of the Prophet" - music and news - 369 - (AOR 7030+ Beverage - N. Ca, USA - Jan 24, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 25 22:27
9730 - 04:11 - China Radio Intl, French Guiana - (ee) - A peice about China Being in the WTO, and world news - 466 - (aor7030+ / twin longwire - blackpool / uk - 25/01/02)
gregg patterson - gregg02 at cableinet.co.uk -Jan 25 04:14
9510 - 0915 - DW, Germany - (EE) - News and comment; Asia-Pacific report 0930-0945. New (?) freq. effective Dec.20/01 sked 0900-0945 UTC (from DW website). - 599+40DB - (DX394-Hustler vert. ant. - Bowmanville,Ont.CA - Jan.24/02)
Thomas moyer - ethelyn at sympatico.ca -Jan 24 10:20
11710 - 06:03 - Radio France International, France - (EE) - programing targeted for Africa - female reporting recent events in southern Africa - 888 - (Drake R8b w/Grove Skywire antenna - Tullahoma, TN U.S.A. - Jan. 22, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Jan 23 06:15
5985 - 1530 - Radio Myanmar, c2, Myanmar - (EE) - uninterupted easy-listening music until song list, abrubt sign-off at 15:59 - 479 - (AOR 7030+ - N. CA, USA - Jan 20, 2002)
J. Patterson - -Jan 21 19:25
4890 - 0836 - NBC, Port Moresby, PAPUA NEW GUINEA - (EE) - immunization appeal, local news, music - 489 - (AOR 7030+, Beverage - N. CA, USA - Jan 19,2002)
J. Patterson - -Jan 21 19:21
5020 - 0800 - SIBC Honiara, Solomon Islands - (EE) - music, editorial on public corruption and its effects on poverty - 357 - (AOR7030+ - N. CA, USA - Jan 19, 2002)
J. Patterson - -Jan 21 19:18
11985 - 03:32 - D Welle, Neth Antillies - (ee) - current affairs with a peice about american indians with computers in school's - 354 - (aor 7030+ / twin longwire - blackpool / uk - 20/01/02)
greg patterson - gregg02 at cableinet.co.uk -Jan 20 03:35
11730 - 03:18 - BBC WS, Seychelles - (ee) - news and world affairs report about false capture of serbia's too most wanted men - 454 - (aor 7030+ / twin longwire - blackpool/uk - 20/01/02)
greg patterson - gregg02 at cableinet.co.uk -Jan 20 03:20
11870 - 15:41 - IRIB, Iran - (EE) - man and woman read the news of the middle east - 469Q - (AOR7030+ Beverage - N. Calif.,USA - Jan 18, 2002)
J. Patterson - -Jan 18 16:55
11600 - 15:47 - FEBA, Seychelles - (EE) - short stories read by "Mrs. G". - 338 - (AOR7030+ - N. Calif., USA - Jan 18, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 18 16:51
15460 - 0330 - R. Thailand, Thailand - (EE) - world news - 357 - (AOR 7030+ - N. Calif., USA - Jan 18, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 18 03:26
6055 - 01:21 - REE, Spain - (EE) - World news - 599 - (AOR7030+ Beverage - N. California, USA - Jan 18,2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 18 01:28
11675 - 00:23 - R. Kuwait, Kuwait - (A) - morning prayers. ID on the hour. Man and woman speaking in arabic with a middle eastern version of Elton John's "Candle in the Wind" playing in the background. Great signal - 589 - (AOR 7030+ 950' Beverage - N. Calif - Jan 18,2001)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 18 01:05
9400 - 0030 - R. Bulgaria, Bulgaria - (EE) - Classical music. Beautiful signal. Also heard on 7400k, not as strong, some QRN - 588 - (AOR7030+ Beverage - N. California - Jan 17, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 18 00:38
11900 - 2300 - RAI Rome, Italy - (EE) - "This is RAI, the Italian Radio and Television Network" - 469 - (AOR7030+ Beverage - N. Calif - Jan 17, 2002)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 17 22:37
11620 - 21:30 - AIR Dehli, India - (EE) - citar music - 469 - (AOR7030+ 900' Beverage - N. California, USA - Jan 17, 02)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 17 21:41
15120 - 20:50 - V. of Nigeria, Nigeria - (EE) - Man and woman gave news in English. ID on the hour - 469 - (AOR7030+ - N. Calif - 17 Jan 02)
J. Patterson - jpat at mpip.org -Jan 17 21:08
13675 - 03:41 - U.A.E. Emirates Radio, United Arab Emirates - (EE) - SWBC/program/skit about Arab society - off the air abruptly 03:48 - 444 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire antenna - Tullahoma, Tennessee U.S.A. - Jan. 14, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Jan 14 03:52
11990 - 19:22 - Radio Kuwait, Kuwait - (EE) - program or series concerning Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 - 444 - (Drake R8b w/ Grove Skywire antenna - Tullahoma, Tennessee U.S.A. - Jan. 12, 2002)
Randall Morrison - judge106 at charter.net -Jan 12 19:39
9.535 - 19:14 - Radio Thailand, Thailand/udon thani - (ee) - General program about thailand issues basic thai news - 474 - (Aor 7030plus/twin longwire - Blackpool/UK - 12/01/02)
Greg Patterson - gregg02 at cableinet.co.uk -Jan 12 19:17
13.675 - 18:47 - VOA, Botswana - (ee) - A program aimed at East Africa / About Medical Question and answer program - 464 - (AOR 7030plus/twin longwire - Blackpool/UK - 12/01/02)
Greg Patterson - gregg02 at cableinet.co.uk -Jan 12 18:51
15.605 Mhz - 1600-1730 G.M.T. - Radio France International, France - (EE) - News, sports, & features for Africa & African diaspora from 1600-1700 G.M.T.; with repeat of news segment from 1700-1730 G.M.T.! Then segued into French programming! Rock solid signal from Issoudun-Allouis the first hour; slight flutter the last half-hour! - 4-8-9 - (Yaesu-Musen FRG-7 - Gridley, Northern California - 1/11/02)
Gridley Sam - -Jan 12 17:15
8700.0 tent USB - 0215 - Information Radio , Diego Garcia - () - Possible USB, Lang: Pashto-Dari,target possibly Afganistan, interfered by a station in CW,7TF6,Boufouk,Algeria. with music-singing,sked 0030-0530UTC - 232 - (Sony ICF- 2010 - Plainview,NY - 1-9-02)
Hank Lukas, N2GCN - n2gcn at hotmail.com -Jan 10 01:06
12095 - 2058 - BBC World Service, UK - (EE) - Sports World? - 487 - (Sony ICF-SW7600G - North Babylon, NY - 1/8/02)
Ryan - khzmhzghz at yahoo.com -Jan 8 22:07
11990 - 2038 - Radio Kuwait, Kuwait - (EE) - AM - 476 - (Sony ICF-SW7600 - North Babylon, NY - 1/8/02)
Ryan - khzmhzghz at yahoo.com -Jan 8 22:00
11655 - 2009 - Radio Netherlands, Holland - (EE) - Radio Netherlands to Africa (Newsline) - 476 - (Sony ICF-SW 7600G - North Babylon, NY - 1/8/02)
Ryan - khzmhzghz at yahoo.com -Jan 8 21:52
720 Khz - 0805-0820 G.M.T. - WGN, Chicago, Illinois U.S.A. - (EE) - A rare snag of this eastern & mid-western U.S.A. flame-thrower here in Nor-Cali! Las Vegas's KDWN (also on 720 Khz) ostensibly shuts down midnight Sundays Pacific time for transmitter peak-n-tweak! But they normally continue to broadcast a silent carrier! WGN snuck under that carrier, with congradulations to their Chicago Bears for winning the last National Football Conference Central Division Championship! Then went to talk format before local fade-out! - 222 - (Yaesu-Musen FRG-7 - Gridley, Northern California - 1/7/02)
Gridley Sam - -Jan 8 16:26